This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) has created for each day.

The latest are listed below, not each day will have all the things, bold links means that day has all the things, normal links have some of the things.



  • What's one thing you're looking forward to accomplishing on the Data Lifeboat project today as you finish up the work week?
  • How are you planning to balance completing the file system queue with any personal creative projects you might want to squeeze in before the weekend?
  • What would make this Friday feel like a satisfying conclusion to your productive week?
  • What are your plans for today?

✅ ✅ ✅


[ ] - Upload Quarternotes video with new thumbnail
[ ] - Print reverse side of zine pages
[ ] - Answer important email
[ ] - Complete file system queue for Data Lifeboat
[ ] - Wrap up work week with satisfying conclusion

📓 📓 📓


Friday was one of those days where I was aiming for a nice, tidy conclusion to the work week. Started off by getting the quarter notes video sorted - made the thumbnail and uploaded it to YouTube first thing. That felt good to tick off the list.

Then I printed more pages for the zine. It's been quite satisfying sending these out - already had a couple of lovely notes from friends who received theirs today. There's something particularly pleasing about stapling them together and popping them in the post.

Most of the day was focused on the file system queue for the Data Lifeboat project. I've been working on this all week, and while I made good progress, it ended in a slightly unsatisfying state. Not quite as wrapped up as I'd hoped. The main bits are working, but I'm missing some error checking and debugging that would make it more robust. It can handle the happy path fine, but not so much when things go wrong.

The yellow floor in the studio continues to make me smile every time I walk in. It's ridiculously bright but absolutely worth it. The light bouncing off it gives everything a warm glow.

Had a productive day overall, even if the file system queue isn't quite as polished as I'd like. Sometimes you just have to accept that Friday afternoon has arrived and it's time to down tools. The eldest is coming over tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to chatting with her and having a relatively empty weekend schedule.

Feeling grateful for the warm weather today - didn't need to layer up as much walking to and from the studio. Also grateful for having interesting projects to work on, and I suppose owning half a Riso machine is pretty cool too. Not many people can say that!

💡 💡 💡


Friday Focus: Wrapping Up the Week

Based on your morning responses, it looks like you're aiming for a focused Friday to conclude your productive week, with a clear emphasis on the Data Lifeboat project and some creative tasks.

Main Suggestion for Today

Prioritize completing the file system queue for the Data Lifeboat project while allowing yourself small breaks to handle the creative tasks you mentioned. This balanced approach will help you achieve that "nice conclusion to the week" you're looking forward to.

Quick Actions

  • Upload your quarter notes video to YouTube with the thumbnail you need to create first thing this morning
  • Set more prints away on the printer for your zine project
  • Answer the important email you mentioned before diving into the file system queue work

Daily Affirmation

You have the focus and determination to wrap up this week with accomplishment and satisfaction, creating the perfect foundation for a relaxing weekend.

Additional Thoughts

I notice you've been working on the file system queue for longer than expected, as you mentioned yesterday. It's good that you've cleared your schedule of personal projects today to focus primarily on this work task. The zine printing you're doing is a nice complementary activity that can run in the background while you concentrate on your main priority. Your approach of having a "day of full focus" is exactly what you need to bring this week to a satisfying conclusion.

Normal Kitty 😺


March 2025

Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8thSunday 9thMonday 10thTuesday 11thWednesday 12thThursday 13thFriday 14thSaturday 15thSunday 16thMonday 17thTuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29thSunday 30thMonday 31st

February 2025

Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15thSunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th

January 2025

Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Sunday 5th Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11thSunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Sunday 26th Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st

December 2024

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26thFriday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th Monday 30th Tuesday 31st

November 2024

Friday 1st Saturday 2nd Sunday 3rdMonday 4thTuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9thSunday 10th Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20thThursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th

October 2024

Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Saturday 5th Sunday 6th Monday 7th Tuesday 8thWednesday 9thThursday 10thFriday 11thSaturday 12thSunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th Saturday 19thSunday 20th Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Sunday 27thMonday 28th Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th Thursday 31st

September 2024

Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th Sunday 8th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14thSunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21stSunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th Monday 30th

August 2024

Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10thSunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th Saturday 31st

July 2024

Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st

June 2024

Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th Sunday 16th Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th Friday 28th Saturday 29th Sunday 30th

May 2024

Wednesday 1stThursday 2ndFriday 3rdSaturday 4thSunday 5thMonday 6thTuesday 7thWednesday 8thThursday 9th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Sunday 26th Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st

April 2024

Monday 1stTuesday 2ndWednesday 3rdThursday 4thFriday 5thSaturday 6thSunday 7thMonday 8thTuesday 9thWednesday 10thThursday 11thFriday 12thSaturday 13thSunday 14thMonday 15thTuesday 16thWednesday 17thThursday 18thFriday 19thSaturday 20thSunday 21stMonday 22ndTuesday 23rdWednesday 24thThursday 25thFriday 26thSaturday 27thSunday 28thMonday 29thTuesday 30th