This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) has created for each day.
The latest are listed below, not each day will have all the things, bold links means that day has all the things, normal links have some of the things.
- What's one thing you're looking forward to accomplishing on the Data Lifeboat project today as you finish up the work week?
- How are you planning to balance completing the file system queue with any personal creative projects you might want to squeeze in before the weekend?
- What would make this Friday feel like a satisfying conclusion to your productive week?
- What are your plans for today?
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[ ] - Upload Quarternotes video with new thumbnail
[ ] - Print reverse side of zine pages
[ ] - Answer important email
[ ] - Complete file system queue for Data Lifeboat
[ ] - Wrap up work week with satisfying conclusion
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Friday was one of those days where I was aiming for a nice, tidy conclusion to the work week. Started off by getting the quarter notes video sorted - made the thumbnail and uploaded it to YouTube first thing. That felt good to tick off the list.
Then I printed more pages for the zine. It's been quite satisfying sending these out - already had a couple of lovely notes from friends who received theirs today. There's something particularly pleasing about stapling them together and popping them in the post.
Most of the day was focused on the file system queue for the Data Lifeboat project. I've been working on this all week, and while I made good progress, it ended in a slightly unsatisfying state. Not quite as wrapped up as I'd hoped. The main bits are working, but I'm missing some error checking and debugging that would make it more robust. It can handle the happy path fine, but not so much when things go wrong.
The yellow floor in the studio continues to make me smile every time I walk in. It's ridiculously bright but absolutely worth it. The light bouncing off it gives everything a warm glow.
Had a productive day overall, even if the file system queue isn't quite as polished as I'd like. Sometimes you just have to accept that Friday afternoon has arrived and it's time to down tools. The eldest is coming over tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to chatting with her and having a relatively empty weekend schedule.
Feeling grateful for the warm weather today - didn't need to layer up as much walking to and from the studio. Also grateful for having interesting projects to work on, and I suppose owning half a Riso machine is pretty cool too. Not many people can say that!