This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your recent successes with scriptwriting and interest in creative coding for the zine project, how might you carve out time today for an engaging task that combines these skills in a rewarding way?
  • Given the effectiveness of integrating an audible alarm in Kitty for breaks, is there another refinement to your routine or environment today that could further enhance your focus and well-being?
  • With your enjoyment of stationery as a creative medium, what's one new experiment or activity involving stationery you're excited to explore today, possibly as a leisurely break from more intensive tasks?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Add the ability to "end day" for yesterday
[ ] - Create functionality for "journal yesterday" command
[ ] - Explore pen plot over designed paper experiment
[ ] - Try and export a light show for LED lights
[ ] - Go visit the men in The Shed, about installation build

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Ah, what a day! Started off on a creative high by tinkering with Kitty - yeah, the AI not the furry kind - adding those "good morning" and "good night" tweet audio prompts. It's a small tweak, but honestly, it's like removing a pebble from your shoe; you don't notice it much until it's gone, and then it's pure bliss.

I dove into the LED lights project mid-morning, and boy, it felt like I was conducting a techno orchestra. Getting that “Scene/show” to play on the LED light controller was a bit like hitting the perfect note. Then, I shifted gears into photo editing. There's something soothing about tweaking pictures to perfection, aligning pixels like stars in my digital universe.

Lunch was a much-needed pause - my personal pit stop in the midst of the creative race. Refuelled and ready, the afternoon was, however, more about steering through code and tweaks rather than full-throttle creation.

I did manage to sneak in an overhaul on how Kitty interacts with me, especially around the tweets. Tiny change, but huge impact in terms of keeping the digital chaos at bay. It’s these little victories that add up, I suppose. Oh, and the evening brought with it a wave of warmth – yep, the studio's hitting those summer degrees early this year. Thankfully, armed with a fan and the new fridge for cold water, it's becoming more bearable.

Reflecting on it, between juggling creative initiatives and managing my environment, it's been a full day. Didn’t manage to squeeze in any zine work or scriptwriting, but that’s okay. It's striking a balance between ambition and reality, between what I want to do and what I can do.

It's kind of funny; despite the advances in AI and automation, there's still no substitute for human touch, for that manual involvement. Whether it's fixing a bug in a code, plotting pen designs, or even navigating through the day's schedule, it all demands a piece of me - my thoughts, my decisions, my creativity. Perhaps that's what keeps it all so engaging, the very human essence in the midst of digital endeavors.

As the night draws in, I'm reminded that not every day needs a grand finale. Sometimes, it's about setting the stage for tomorrow, laying down the notes you'll play next. And as for the to-do list, well, it'll always be there, ever-growing, but also a testament to the drive within. Here's to navigating the digital and creative landscapes, one day at a time, with Kitty by my side - my digital companion on this artistic journey.


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No suggestions found for this day.