This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What is one thing you're looking forward to in your work today, especially considering any recent advancements or insights you've had in coding or creative processes?
  • How can you incorporate some mindful relaxation into your day, possibly through activities like meditation or leisure reading, to enhance your focus and creativity?
  • What's one small step you can take today towards improving your workspace or routine, based on the experiences and changes you've been implementing recently?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Catch up on journal entries
[ ] - Work on handwriting code
[ ] - Implement 50/10 rule with breaks
[ ] - Drink lots of water
[ ] - Maybe write newsletter first draft

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Today was one of those days where my mind wanted to do a million things at once, but I figured I'd stick with the handwriting code. Morning started pretty smoothly. At 6:59, I jumped right into work, plough on through the joined-up letters code. At 8:31, I was still neck-deep in it, working to get one continuous line for an arbitrary number of joined-up letters. It's intense, but there's something immensely satisfying about seeing it come together letter by letter.

Around 11:31, I broke away from the code for a bit to resize an image to 1920 pixels wide. It's one of those quick tasks that give your brain a break without completely stepping away. Speaking of breaks, I tried to stick to the 50/10 work-break rule today. It worked pretty well until about lunchtime. Managed to sneak in some reading during my breaks, which was refreshing. Although one of those 10-minute breaks turned into editing a #daynotes video. Not a typical break, but sitting in my reading corner away from the main screen felt right.

Come lunch, I decided to wrap up the horrid code I was working on and take a breather. That was around 12:24. Instead of diving straight back in, I gave in to the allure of a nap. Not usual for me, but sometimes you have to listen to your body. The headache I've had since Sunday wasn’t improving, and I figured some rest might help.

In terms of productivity, I feel pretty good about the progress on the handwriting code. Managed to make a lot of advancements that have been on my list for ages. Getting the joined-up handwriting to work was a big win. There are still edge cases to tackle, but it’s a relief to see the bulk of it falling into place. The journal entries, on the other hand, are another story. I plotted half the paper I needed but didn’t get around to writing any of the entries. The nap took priority.

The workspace is fine overall, though I still need more bookshelves. It’d clear up some clutter and give me a proper paper store. However, that’s on hold until I can paint the floor, which won't happen until the old studio is sold. The more space I have, the better I function. For now, I’m making do.

The headache persisted through the day. I tried caffeine painkillers, but it backfired a bit. Tomorrow, I'll avoid caffeine and see how it goes. I need to pay more attention to these signals from my body.

So, wrapping up the day, it was a mix of productive and restful. Tackled a significant chunk of handwriting code, managed a video edit, and caught some much-needed rest. Not a bad day, but there’s always room to be better.

Here's hoping for a headache-free tomorrow and more code that works on the first try.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Prioritize working on the handwriting code this morning

Given your intention and strong focus on advancing your handwriting code project, dedicating the morning to this task would allow you to dive deep into your coding and ensure substantial progress. This aligns with your current enthusiasm and the long-term benefits it will bring to your creative work with the plotter.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Morning: Dedicate uninterrupted time to the handwriting code for cursive writing, following the 50/10 work-rest rule to maintain your sharp focus and manage eye strain.
  • Midday: Review and write the newsletter as a secondary task to make use of your creative energy and ideas bouncing around.
  • Afternoon: Catch up on backlog journaling and plotting paper, ensuring to plot journal entries for Thursday through Sunday.


"You are focusing on what matters most, balancing productivity with mindful breaks, and making steady progress on your creative projects."

Additional Thoughts

  • Remember to stay hydrated and take those 10-minute breaks to read, which helps rest your eyes and refresh your mind.
  • Consider making a small step improvement to your workspace, even if it's just a minor reorganization, to help maintain a productive environment.
  • Don't forget to address and manage that slight headache, perhaps integrating a brief stretching exercise during one of your breaks. In this way, your day can be balanced between significant project progress, creativity, and essential organization, setting a solid foundation for the rest of the week.

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻