This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What is one way you can challenge yourself in your projects today while ensuring you maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  • Considering your positive experience with managing studio responsibilities and personal tasks yesterday, how can you apply this balanced approach to today’s schedule?
  • What's one creative or technical aspect in your generative art you're curious to explore further today?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Finish editing newsletter video first run
[ ] - Prep newsletter for tomorrow
[ ] - Experiment with new thumbnail style
[ ] - Clean up YouTube descriptions
[ ] - Script tutorial videos

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A couple of test zines

A nice relaxed day today, keeping to the calm and steady pace I was aiming for this week. I kicked things off by watching a few YouTube videos for some inspiration-always a good way to start the morning. Dived into editing the newsletter video shortly after. Even though video editing is usually an afternoon task, I decided to break my routine and get a head start in the morning. Tried to keep it straightforward, just cutting out the gaps and mistakes.

By midday, I was checking the export of the video to make sure there were no syncing issues. Everything seemed to be in order, which is always a relief. While I didn’t actually get around to experimenting with the thumbnails today, I did download the Affinity Suite as a step towards moving away from Photoshop. Planning to dive into that tomorrow—should be a fun learning curve.

Had a Zoom meeting in the afternoon, which took up a good chunk of time. These will be regular Wednesday afternoon fixtures from now on, so I need to plan my days around them better. They eat into my day a bit, but at least I’ll know to carve out more focused work slots before and after.

Managed to finish the editing on the newsletter video. Happy about that. However, I ran out of time fiddling with the thumbnails, which nudged that task to tomorrow’s list. Even though the tutorials are still unwritten, I didn't stress too much about it. I decided today would remain calm and unpressured—just riding the flow.

Interestingly, I didn't have a headache today. Maybe steering clear of the laptop in the evenings and ditching Pepsi Max has helped. You never really appreciate the absence of a headache until it's gone. Evenings are becoming more relaxing; no work, just a bit of downtime which has been refreshing. Not fully confident I'm getting a ton more done during working hours, but the balance feels right.

That’s it for today. Didn’t touch everything on the list, but the pace felt good, and I stayed true to keeping things chill. Tomorrow’s another day to chip away at tasks—hopefully, I’ll get around to those thumbnails.

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Sure, here’s your main suggestion for the day along with action points and an affirmation.

Main Suggestion for the Day

Optimize Workflow to Maintain Productivity and Balance: Given your balanced approach to tasks today and your effort to complete video editing in the morning, focus on maintaining this productive workflow while ensuring you can relax and avoid evening headaches.

Action Points

  • Edit the Newsletter Video: Prioritize editing the newsletter video this morning to quickly get the raw cut done, allowing more time in the afternoon for refining and adding any necessary overlays.
  • Thumbnails Experimentation: Experiment with creating a new style for the YouTube thumbnails for the newsletter video to ensure they are distinctive from other videos on your channel.
  • YouTube API Code Update: Allocate time to update your YouTube API code to switch from Genius Link to Amazon's linking service, streamlining the process for managing your old video descriptions.


You are making steady progress; every small step forward helps achieve your bigger goals.

Additional Thoughts

You've been managing a good balance between tasks, ensuring that you don't overextend and have enough time for relaxation. By continuing this approach, especially with the structured workflow of editing in the morning and focusing on other tasks in the afternoon, you can maintain productivity while enjoying a healthy work-life balance. Also, remember to avoid evening screen time to prevent headaches and ensure a good night's rest.

Normal Kitty 😺