This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your recent success with the text integration for the zine, what's a new creative angle or idea you're excited to explore further today?
  • Considering your enjoyment of time spent outdoors and with Nixie yesterday, how might you integrate a similar or new restful yet inspiring activity into today’s plans?
  • Given your recent projects and the desire to relax over the weekend, what's one way you can balance the day between nurturing your creativity and ensuring you’re recharged for the upcoming week?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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No todo found for this day.

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Today, I dove into the heart of my website's "Ideas" page, fulfilling a quirky quest to showcase Kitty's weekly geniuses. Not your average Sunday task, but there I was, coding away (badly) like someone deciphering an ancient script—oh, the things I do for fun.

The afternoon was bookmarked by digital grafting on the same page. There's a certain charm in cataloguing these fragments of creativity, even if it means wrestling with code on the laziest of days. It's the artist’s paradox: my mind buzzing with ideas when I'm supposed to be at rest.

The garden called my name early in the morning, luring me into its green embrace with the promise of a battle against the weeds. There's something deeply satisfying about clearing out the unwanted, making way for new life. Sure, it's just a drop in the ocean of gardening needs, but today, every pulled weed felt like reclaiming a piece of my small Eden from the jaws of chaos.

Then, there was that unexpected detour into website tinkering. Sunday’s plans were a loose compilation of shoulds and coulds, but I found myself magnetised by the blinking cursor, coding and recoding the "Ideas" page. It wasn't the epic narrative of man versus machine; it was more of a friendly tussle with a pixelated nemesis. And in those hours, the heatwave outside ceased to matter, as I immersed myself in the cool, challenging depths of web development.

Reflecting on the garden and my spontaneous coding session, it's clear that the most fulfilling moments often sprout from the unexpected. The gardening wasn't just about curbing nature's wild ambitions; it was a tangible connection to the earth, a grounding activity before the storm of a week packed with obligations. Meanwhile, tinkering with my website became a surprising source of joy. There's something deeply gratifying about making tangible progress on a project, especially when it dovetails so neatly with my creative and digital realms.

Thinking ahead, tomorrow's tasks loom large. My brain's already churning through the week's to-do list, but I've resolved to keep tonight free of work worries. Today managed to strike a decent balance between productivity and leisure, a harmonic dance I often find elusive. It was a reminder that despite the looming busyness, moments of creativity and reconnection with the physical world provide a crucial counterbalance.

As the curtain falls on this Sunday, I'm reminded that a good day often weaves together strands of work, play, and rest. Gardening, coding, even that brief nap—each played its part in recharging my creative batteries. Here's hoping this blend of activities has set the stage for a week that's both productive and manageable.

Tomorrow, it's back to the fray, but for now, I revel in the calm after a day surprisingly well spent. Who knew a Sunday could be so quietly eventful?

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Given your reflections from this morning, it seems like a prime opportunity to fully engage with the zine pages you're aiming to work on, focusing on both the creative and the organizational challenges that might arise with managing the print order due to the different layers involved. Keeping today more relaxed and less structured, as indicated by your plans, could foster a conducive environment for creativity while also pacing yourself for the upcoming week.

Action Bullet Points

  • Explore Zine Creativity: Dive into creating a few more zine pages, letting your creativity flow without the pressure of finalizing the organizational aspects of print order just yet.
  • Plan for Upcoming Days Off: Briefly outline a basic plan for the days you'll be taking off this upcoming week. A simple to-do list or reminder note can help keep you grounded without detracting from today's laid-back approach.
  • Stay Hydrated and Cool: With today being notably hot, ensure to stay hydrated and cool to maintain your well-being, especially considering indoor activities due to the heat and potential storms.


"Today, I embrace my creativity with a calm mind, knowing each step I take is a step towards my artistic goals."

Other Thoughts

Given your concerns about the income due to the ongoing sale of the old studio, it might be worthwhile to keep brainstorming passive income ideas or small-scale projects that align with your love for stationery and generative art, which could offer financial support without necessitating a major shift in focus. Remember, taking small, consistent steps can lead to significant achievements over time.

Normal Kitty 😺