This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).
At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.
The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.
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- What's one small step you can take today towards finalizing the YouTube description updater project that would make you feel productive?
- How can you bring elements of mindfulness into your routine today to balance out the day's demands, especially during breaks in jury duty?
- What's a creative thought or idea that's been on your mind lately, and how might you explore it in your work or leisure time today?
- What are your plans for today?
- Anything else you want to mention?
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[ ] - Read through newsletter subscriptions
[ ] - Work on Stripe payment integration
[ ] - Decompress after completing jury duty
[ ] - Follow up on property searches with solicitor
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Today has been a day of some good news and a bit of a shift in focus. The highlight is that I got "chucked out" of jury duty, which means I've been "dismissed." That has significantly lowered my stress levels. The solicitor has been emailed about the studio situation because the anxiety over that is still lingering.
I've been engrossed with Stripe, which is much easier to work with than it used to be. The documentation has been fantastic, and I've started integrating the shopping cart. This morning was dedicated to reading up on newsletters and how various people approach them. I certainly have more ideas on structuring my own now. Around 14:38, I found myself deep into the Stripe documentation while sitting in the waiting room.
The creative idea that's been on my mind lately is about newspapers. I revisited my old project with Newspaper Club and thought about how I could incorporate this into my current work. The economics make sense if I print in bulk, but I'd better pace myself because selling 100 newspapers feels daunting.
Today, my goal is to decompress now that the jury duty is behind me. Much of the morning was spent evaluating the layout and content of various newsletters. I’ve decided that tomorrow will be dedicated to drafting my own newsletter with the aim to record it next week.
I'm quite pleased with how integrating Stripe is progressing. The thinking is to create a product and a price easily through the API, making it entirely feasible to automate creating a product and putting it up for sale. This will be interesting to explore further.
Finally, there's some frustrating news regarding the studio sale. Searches are still pending and likely to add more delays. The estate agent mentioned that issues might get raised once they return, dragging the process on for another couple of weeks. It looks like my original timeline is out of the window now, which isn’t surprising but still disappointing.
That’s it for today. It’s been quite a mix of relief, productivity, and the ongoing saga of the flat sale. Looking forward to a clearer day tomorrow. Cheers to wrapping up jury duty!