This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can push your creative boundaries in your work today, especially considering recent stresses you've felt about external situations?
  • Is there a particular theme or emotion you want to explore in your art today that reflects your current feelings or thoughts?
  • How can incorporating a break from technology into your day provide a fresh perspective or relaxation, particularly given your recent busy schedule?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Buy paper for plotting journal pages
[ ] - Plot pages for journal backgrounds
[ ] - Visit estate agent for updates
[ ] - Plan the week ahead and fit key tasks
[ ] - Minimal admin tasks as mentioned
[ ] - Relax and take it easy

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Today was a slow day, which is exactly what I needed. I didn't get as much done as planned, and I was somewhat tired from yet another rough night of sleep. Despite the fatigue, I decided to keep things relaxed, focusing on getting my head clear about what needs doing over the week.

One of the main to-dos was buying some more paper for plotting journal pages. The urge to make the pages for the zine and pen plotter tutorials is growing, but today wasn’t the day for pushing any creative boundaries. All I did was plot some basic backgrounds for the journal pages; nothing complicated, but something that felt slightly productive.

I also had a trip to the estate agent to follow up on some property issues, which left me quite annoyed. They’ve swapped out the buyers at the bottom of the chain without any notice, pushing the timeline back significantly. This hiccup worsened my mood, especially since I expected things to be sorted soon. With the rent for the new studio due, the delays are frustrating. The chain hopefully hasn't collapsed entirely, but the uncertainty adds pressure.

Afternoons are when I normally find my focus, but given the circumstances, today needed winding back a notch. I took some time to write an end-of-month divider page for the journal, though I decided to leave it until tomorrow.

Instead, the day mainly unfolded with a fair bit of admin and planning. I didn’t dive into any major projects. The headaches around lunchtime further reminded me to take things slow. Being grumpy is one thing, but doing nothing productive with that mood is worse.

For now, I've basked in the quiet satisfaction of getting small things done, knowing that not every day needs to be about big leaps. Some days, like today, should be reserved for slow, methodical steps to keep everything in check. As soon as things settle down again, I know I'll be more inspired to tackle the bigger plans.

Three things worth noting from the day were: reaffirming my sanity, the ability to manage these delays, and, somewhat humourously, that things haven’t completely fallen apart yet. Ready for tomorrow, feeling the quiet strength of knowing even small steps are progress.

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Suggestion for the Day

Main Suggestion

Today, focus on planning and organizing your current and upcoming projects, particularly the zine, postcards, and pen plotting tutorials. This approach will allow you to gain clarity on your workload without pushing yourself creatively.

Quick Action Points

  • Review and List Tasks: Break down the zine creation, postcard writing, and pen plotting tutorials into smaller, manageable tasks. Prioritize these tasks based on their deadlines and importance.
  • Schedule Paper Purchase: Plan a trip to the store to buy the necessary paper for plotting journal pages. Ensure this doesn't disrupt your relaxed approach to the day.
  • Estate Agent Check-In: Make a structured list of points to inquire about or address with the estate agent. Use this to guide your conversation when you contact them.


You are moving forward at your own pace, ensuring clarity and balance in both your work and life.

Additional Thoughts

Remember, it's okay to take things easy today. Given your recent stress about the studio sale and lack of sleep, it's essential to maintain a gentle pace. Focus on small bits of progress without the pressure to push creative boundaries. Everything doesn't need to be completed today; planning is progress too. Take care of yourself and embrace this opportunity to recalibrate.

Sincere Kitty 😺