This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new learning from yesterday's work with color palettes and line treatments in the "Preseed" project that you're excited to apply today?
  • As you plan to make a video about your "Preseed" project, how can you ensure this process enhances both your creative expression and audience engagement?
  • Considering your aim to balance creativity with practical outcomes, what strategy will you implement today to foster both artistic satisfaction and potential financial benefits from your upcoming projects?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Conduct code review for Preseed project
[ ] - Test plot for Preseed on black paper
[ ] - Create storyboard and shot list for Preseed video
[ ] - Visit the estate agents
[ ] - Script video outline for "Preseed" project
[ ] - Review and finalize color palettes for Preseed

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Today's project desk isn't that functional, but I liked how it was looking, so here's a photo

Today was a productive day focused on the "Preseed" project. I began the morning still getting settled into the studio. The initial task was to set up a test plot for "Preseed." This involved sorting out some colour combinations based on lessons from the Concord and Maps project. I made a few adjustments to ensure the line colours showed up well against the black background.

Once I was happy with the setup, I plotted several outputs to check everything was functioning correctly. This took up most of my morning, but the results were promising. In between, I couldn't help but think about how these colours would work together in the final video.

In the afternoon, I shifted gears to writing the script for the "Preseed" video. The focus here was to create a storyboard using index cards, ensuring a structured flow between explaining the "Preseed" project and cutting to scenes of the pen plotter in action. I realised the importance of having a clear A-line focusing on the project and a B-line featuring the pen plotting process. This dual approach should be engaging for the audience.

While scripting, I considered pacing. Short, punchy scenes seem to be the way forward. With the deadline extended to next Tuesday, I feel less rushed, allowing for more thoughtful detailing. However, a minor setback occurred when I discovered a bug on fxhash's end. The issue halted the project’s upload as it won't accept access lists.

By the end of the day, I was satisfied with the progress. The code review confirmed everything was working well, and I've got prompt cards ready to guide the video recording. Tomorrow, I plan to shoot the newsletter video first thing, followed by this project video, aiming to get both out of the way before the studio gets too hot. I'm hopeful that the FX hash bug will be resolved soon, allowing me to proceed with less stress.

Reflecting on today, I felt more relaxed than in recent days. It's amazing what breathing room can do for creativity and focus. Sometimes, having a bit more time can make all the difference. Once the videos are done, I can look at the next steps, including job hunting or freelance work if needed.

Overall, today was a solid step forward.

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Certainly, Daniel! Here you go:

Main Suggestion for Today: Focus primarily on refining and testing the "Preseed" project. Ensure the video storyboard and shot list are well thought out, as this will be crucial for creating engaging content when you are ready to film.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Test Plot & Code Review: Conduct a thorough code review with fresh eyes this morning to catch any issues you might have missed yesterday.
  • Storyboard & Shot List: Create a detailed storyboard and shot list for the "Preseed" project video. Use index cards to map out the flow clearly.
  • Visit Estate Agents: Make sure to nip to the estate agents today to follow up on the land searches concerning the studio sale.

Affirmation: You have the skills and determination to overcome today's challenges. Each step you take brings you closer to your goals.

Other Thoughts:

  • Remember the importance of balancing creative work with your financial needs. This will allow you to stay focused and less stressed.
  • Taking breaks is essential, even when you feel you're in the "flow." This has been a recurring theme, so consider setting timers even for the afternoon sessions.
  • Keep an eye on the financial timeline. You've mentioned how tight things are towards the end of each month and the beginning of the next. Plan accordingly for any financial buffer you might have.
  • Stay positive about your progress. You've made significant strides with the "Preseed" project, and the satisfaction from these achievements will help keep your momentum going.

You've got this, Daniel. Let's make today productive and creatively fulfilling!

Sincere Kitty 😺