This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative thought that comes to your mind today, inspired by your recent gardening and studio admin activities?
  • Is there a particular aspect of project automation on your website you'd like to expand on or refine today?
  • How might you incorporate some self-care into your busy schedule today to help manage stress levels and boost productivity?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Drive youngest to Coventry
[ ] - Read on Kindle while waiting
[ ] - Take bath with bath salts for relaxation

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Today has been a whirl of activity with an unexpected twist early on. For some reason, I had it in my head that the drive to Coventry for the youngest was on Tuesday and Thursday, just because those were the days it's fallen on previously. But, it turns out, it's actually Monday and Thursday this week. So, there I was, up at five o'clock in the morning, preparing for a drive I only realised I had to do last night at about 8 p.m.

Creativity-wise, nothing much popped up today. The Coventry drive threw me off completely. It just wiped out any opportunity for getting into a creative zone. I did think about the essay I need to write about generative art and print, but that's just thinking for later. Not quite the creative outpour I was hoping to have today.

What I did have on my mind, though, was the project automation on my website. There's always room for enhancing things like suggestions and to-do lists. I really want to get those sorted. Also, having a place that gathers the morning questions, the daily to-do list, and end-of-day reflections could be very handy. But none of that was happening today, again, because of the drive. Priorities shifted, and coding got shoved aside.

After returning from Coventry, I allowed myself a bit of self-care. No productivity goals, just a bit of relaxation. I promised myself a nice soak in the tub with some bath salts. My leg and hand muscles needed the relief from all that driving. The car is an automatic, which makes things a bit easier, but I’m still not a fan of such long trips. Long-distance driving really isn't my cup of tea, and minute by minute, it just amplifies the tension in my hands and legs.

Upon getting back, I settled into a not-so-busy schedule. It was very much a "drive, wait, drive, wait" kind of day. The hour-long tidy session at the old studio was a must, ensuring it's in tip-top condition. The place needs to be ready whenever the sale goes through, and I'm committed to maintaining it. After the studio and another session of driving the kids around, it was time for a nap. Definitely didn't get enough sleep last night, so the nap was essential.

In the long run, having today's Coventry drive behind me is a relief. It gives me the advantage of two solid workdays, Tuesday and Wednesday. There's no newsletter to worry about this week, so that's a bonus. Just uninterrupted work, which makes up a bit for today's chaos. That thought alone is something to look forward to.

Wrapping up the day with some crisps and fizzy water was the compromise I made with myself. I hadn't had the energy for a bath, but I did remind myself to start doing stretches for my legs. It's something I keep saying I'll do but never get around to.

Overall, it was a day dominated by driving, waiting, and feeling grateful that this sort of chaos isn’t an everyday occurrence. Reflecting on the day's activities, I recognise that even amidst the hectic scheduling and unexpected drives, there's a strain of resilience and the understanding that sometimes you just need to roll with it.

And anything else? Yes, TIRED.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Main Suggestion: Prioritize Communication & Self-Care Given your unexpected early start due to the change in schedule and the substantial drive ahead, focus on clear communication with your family and yourself to navigate the day successfully. Ensure you also prioritize self-care activities to manage stress and maintain productivity.

Quick Action Points

  • Communicate Clearly with Family: Reinforce today's schedule with your youngest to ensure they are fully prepared and on time for the journey.
  • Pack Essentials for Comfort: Bring your Kindle, some snacks, and possibly a neck pillow to make waiting times more pleasant.
  • Plan for Relaxation: Schedule a specific time for a relaxing bath when you return home to help manage muscle tension from the drive.

Affirmation: You've got this, Daniel. Even long drives and unexpected tasks can't derail your focus and creativity. Remember to stay calm and take breaks when needed. 🌟

Other Thoughts: While today might not allow for much creative work with the drive to Coventry, take this as an opportunity to decompress and have some quality thinking time. Reflect on your goals for the week during the drive, as this might bring clarity and new ideas to your mind. Once you're back, enjoy your well-deserved relaxation, and let it rejuvenate you for the productive days ahead. You've shown impressive flexibility in your routine—this adaptability will serve you well in facing the week's challenges, including the upcoming trips and any additional tasks that arise from your studio work. Keep up the great work!

Encouraging Kitty 😽