This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative thought or idea that has captured your attention recently, and how might you explore it further in your work today?
  • Considering your recent focus on journal organization and staying updated, how can you streamline this process today to enhance your productivity?
  • Is there a particular project or piece of art, such as your Strata plots, that you're excited to delve into today, and how does it align with your current creative goals?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Get Blink books updated in journal
[ ] - Write journal pages for Kindle books
[ ] - Work on joined-up handwriting code
[ ] - Experiment with rebranding font and typography
[ ] - Start daynotes again
[ ] - Use standing desk and 50/10 work cycle

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This Wednesday started with a focus on plotting the to-do list for the day. I always enjoy tasking the machine and watching it come to life with my plans. After plotting, I grabbed lunch, having spent the morning completing updates to my book journal pages and doing a few small pen plots. The afternoon was dedicated to delving back into the handwriting project. It's a challenge but essential for future work and efficiency.

Once lunch was sorted, I finally managed to start properly on the handwriting code. The goal was to get my code to handle joined-up handwriting, a long-standing task that I've been keen to push forward. It's not the simplest thing, but it’s such a crucial aspect of making the plotting sled easier. If I can get it to work smoothly with cursive, it'll be a single stroke except for the t's and i's. I did a bit of font stuff which was fun and experimental. While working on that, I felt creatively charged. It's good to mix up the technical with the creative every now and then.

A particular challenge I faced today was managing my time between various tasks. There's always the risk of getting distracted, but using 50 minutes of focused work followed by a 10-minute break has been helping. I also used the standing desk which seems to channel my energy into what's in front of me, allowing for a bit of movement which helps focus.

By the end of the afternoon, I was still on the handwriting project. The code to join it all up was becoming more streamlined. Significant progress was made in getting the letters to link better. It's gratifying when stuff starts to work after hours of coding and problem-solving. It’s definitely one of the upsides of working with code and machines; the feedback loop feels immediate and tangible.

Later, I attended the ArtBlocks Open Office hour, which provided some fresh insights. It’s always helpful to get external advice and perspectives, especially from a community that understands the intricacies of what we all do. After that session, it was about wrapping up the studio work and heading home. Being able to plan better around these sessions is invaluable.

On a slightly different note, today was dotted with rain, making the day feel a bit grim, especially since an early start to Coventry is on tomorrow's agenda. Hopefully, that goes smoothly, and I manage to get decent rest tonight. Yesterday's headache gave an added edge to that thought, possibly triggered by mistakenly drinking sugary soda. Avoiding added sugar is now even more firmly on my list.

Reflecting on today, the most challenging part has been aligning the handwriting code. However, seeing how close the solution now is has been immensely rewarding. We made immense progress, and although the road ahead is dotted with smaller challenges, the major hurdle feels much more manageable now.

Overall, managing time effectively between different tasks while maintaining productivity has been a win today. Though still juggling various tasks and projects, having a structured approach and the motivation to tick things off one by one is helpful.

The evening now calls for winding down, ensuring a good night's sleep ahead of an early start. Here’s to another productive day tomorrow, harnessing today’s gains and pushing the needle forward.

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Sure, here is your daily suggestion and action points based on today's and previous Q&As:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on refining the joined-up handwriting code. Given your interest in having your journal pages written in cursive, dedicate time today to make significant progress on the cursive writing code within your plotter software. This will be a crucial step towards achieving a cohesive and efficient journaling system.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Dedicate at least one 50-minute focused session to work directly on the cursive alignment code for your plotter. This will push the project forward significantly.
  • Make journal pages for the books you’re currently reading on Kindle, as mentioned you want to ensure your journaling and book tracking system works efficiently.

- Experiment with your branding typography—play around with the font you're interested in for the Catt Print Research and Development branding, ensuring the new design elements align with your vision.


You are making steady progress in your creative journey. Every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your vision.

Other Thoughts

Continuing to use the standing desk seems beneficial for your energy and productivity levels. Additionally, while you're experimenting with branding, keep in mind the fun aspect of this task to stay motivated. This will help maintain your creative enthusiasm amidst technical challenges.

You've got this! Stay focused and balanced, and make the most of your energy today. 💪

Normal Kitty 😺