This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How can you make today a day of rejuvenation, perhaps by incorporating an activity that connects you with your surroundings or hobbies you haven't explored in a while?
  • Are there any low-key activities you'd like to consider today that could help minimize eye strain and promote relaxation?
  • Thinking about making your living space more conducive to rest and hobbies, is there a creative adjustment or small project you could tackle today that adds to your comfort or enjoyment?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Check the weather in Shrewsbury
[ ] - Plan activity for the day with Nixie
[ ] - Clear dining table items from old studio
[ ] - Mow the overgrown lawn
[ ] - Do some journaling or doodling

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Saturday morning started with me hanging out before dawn, doing the usual, plotting previous journal pages. I know, wild.

Met with my buyer at the old studio. He showed up early, right at 9 o'clock. It went way smoother than I expected. He moved his stuff in and then dashed off to see a friend. No drama there, just how I like it.

The rest of the day felt like an odd mix of chill and slightly stressed vibes. The kids left to spend time with their sister, which gave Nixie and me some quiet time. We decided to tackle a jigsaw puzzle in the kitchen. It was fun until we hit that wall where it stops being fun, so we bailed and relaxed.

I tried to address the mess on the dining room table. All those bits and bobs from the old studio are just cluttering up space, making it hard to think. I’ve realised we need to declutter more generally. It’s overwhelming Nixie with decision fatigue.

No journaling today, again. It’s becoming a pattern, which is frustrating because I know it's something I want to do. I did manage to relax a bit despite a lingering feeling of stress. I didn’t have much planned and didn’t get much done. That’s okay, I suppose.

The whole waiting game for the old studio to sell is weighing me down. It’s like this heavy cloud hovering over everything we do. I’m still feeling optimistic, but I don’t know if it’s the real deal or just me trying to stay positive in a low-energy state.

Despite the heavy stuff lingering, there were no great surprises. Everything pretty much happened in order. The balance between responsibilities at the studio and home life felt manageable today. I guess that’s the closest I’ll get to calling it a win.

Here’s hoping the studio sale sorts itself out soon. We’re both eager to move past this holding pattern and get on with the next chapter.

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Sure, here’s a suggestion for the day with some action points and affirmations, formatted in markdown:

Main Suggestion for the Day:

Focus on creating a balance between light activities and some essential, yet low-pressure organizational tasks to ensure a relaxing and productive day.

Quick Action Points:

  • Check the Weather: Find out what the weather is like in Shoespe to determine if outdoor activities like mowing the lawn are feasible.
  • Clear the Dining Room Table: Move the leftover items from the old studio to appropriate places to make your dining space more enjoyable.
  • Plan a Simple Activity with Nixie: Decide on a low-key activity, such as doing a jigsaw puzzle, that you both can enjoy together.


"Today, I will blend light activities with a touch of organization, knowing that these small steps contribute to a more relaxed and fulfilling weekend."

Other Thoughts:

Considering your ongoing themes of balancing creative work with necessary tasks, it's a good idea to leverage this weekend to recharge. Your recent reflections show the importance of finding joy in small tasks and moments. Maybe incorporate brief journal sketches or doodles as a form of relaxing creativity. Also, keeping your living space organized plays a crucial role in reducing stress. Enjoy the day and take it one step at a time!

Encouraging Kitty 😽