This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you could do today to enhance your workspace, making it even more conducive to the creative processes you're planning to explore?
  • How might you integrate your recent interest in photography into today's projects, potentially documenting your creative journey?
  • Thinking about the tasks you have lined up, what's one small goal you can set for today to make you feel fulfilled and productive by the end of the day?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Plan out the rest of the week
[ ] - Send birthday card to friend
[ ] - Finish gallery code on website
[ ] - Upload and organize photos into galleries
[ ] - Complete brush height video editing

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I've been considering the utility of my workspace a lot lately. Starting out, I didn't think there was much to improve in my studio setup. However, I've got this new (well, new-to-me) iMac that's only running Discord at the moment. It's taking up a lot of visual space, and I keep wondering if I could put it to better use without feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks this week.

I've been trying to integrate more photography into my projects. Today, I thought it might be worthwhile to continue snapping photos of my work and the studio. This links directly to my plan of setting up a galleries page on my website, where I can collect all these images. Social media's a bit limiting for this sort of thing, even with the carousel feature. I reckon bringing similar pictures together in a gallery will highlight their nuances better. Maybe some mini photo zines will be a fun future project.

As for goals, there are a few key things I want to complete today. First off, I need to send a birthday card to a friend abroad, even though it's going to arrive late. I also need to finish the code for the new gallery feature on my website and get some galleries up and running. Lastly, the brush height video needs to be finished. It's due to go up on YouTube tomorrow, and it's currently hogging a lot of my hard drive space.

To manage all these tasks, I began today by planning out the rest of the week. The gallery code needs a bit of polishing, which will likely be my focus this morning. This afternoon, the brush height video is my priority. The video is closer to completion than I thought, needing only some music and colour grading. Once that's wrapped up, I should be ready to upload the supporting code, description, and thumbnail tomorrow. I also want to squeeze in a little photo upload to test the galleries.

By evening, I felt positive about the progress made. Though minor bugs remain in the gallery code, I'm optimistic about the system. It allows me to group photos cohesively, which is often difficult to achieve on social media. This new setup should make my photographic documentation far more effective.

All in all, today was productive. I managed to set myself up nicely for the coming days, with a clear plan and some solid progress already made. Feels like a good start to the week.

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Sure thing, here's your daily suggestion and action points, based on today's questions and answers:

Main Suggestion for Today

Focus on completing the gallery code for your website and integrating a cohesive photography gallery. This will not only enhance your workspace by giving purpose to your new iMac but will also align with your ongoing efforts to better manage and present your photo documentation.

Quick Action Points

  • Finalize the gallery code: Dedicate your morning to polishing off the gallery code. It’s mostly done, so a focused effort will get you over the finish line.
  • Upload a couple of galleries: Once the code is complete, quickly upload a few galleries of your photos. This will help you visualize the final outcome and tweak as necessary.
  • Work on the brush height video: In the afternoon, aim to finish the brush height video editing. Completing this will free up significant hard drive space and meet your goal of having it up on YouTube by tomorrow.


You’ve got this, Dan! Your creative talents and disciplined approach will make today productive and fulfilling. Every step you take today is a step closer to a more organized and inspiring workspace.

Additional Thoughts

Given your past reflections on photography, using your new iMac for more than just Discord could be beneficial. Why not experiment with importing and managing your photos on this system? Additionally, continue taking breaks, as you've mentioned the importance of staying hydrated and managing the heat with a fan and cold water. Remember, balancing productivity with well-being is key.

Encouraging Kitty 😽