This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new approach or tool you might explore today to enhance your creative workflow, perhaps inspired by recent explorations in 3D printing or other technology?
  • As you reflect on the balance of work and self-care, what's one way you can ensure a moment of relaxation or rejuvenation during today's schedule?
  • Considering your recent insights into your creative process and project management, what's one small goal you can set for today that would make you feel particularly accomplished by the end of the day?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Edit week note video
[ ] - Get Daybook ready for Monday
[ ] - Unbox 3D printer and check it
[ ] - Use external drive for zine files
[ ] - Schedule mindful breaks

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Oh, Friday, you've been quite a day! I started the morning by cracking open the shiny packaging of my new 3D printer. It was like welcoming a new toy into the studio playground. Of course, this little gadget had to do its firmware update dance before I could really play around. Pardon the pun, but I suppose every 'print'-ern needs a moment to settle in.

By the time I was done playing with my electronic companion, I realised the day had slipped a bit. The mindful breaks I scheduled were a breath of fresh air, though. These short pauses truly helped keep me stress-free. They’re now a staple in my routine, making productivity not just a buzzword but a reality. Lunch was a nice interruption, a moment to savour before diving back into work mode.

Post-lunch, I ticked off a crucial task: wrapping up and exporting the #Weeknote video. It's quite rewarding to see it all done and dusted. I shifted back afterward to ensure the Daybook was primed and ready for Monday. This involved tweaking documentation, which, while at times tedious, feels worth it when everything aligns just right.

As the clock edged towards the end of the workday, I found myself packing up to head home. The 3D printer beckoned with its siren song, but I resisted. The novelty, while delightful, was a bit of a distraction throughout the day. Hopefully, it'll soon find its spot amongst the other tools, like ol' faithful Epson.

In moments of reflection, I found gratitude in the details: the successful operation of the 3D printer, the luxury of time to engage with it, and the joy of good food. These joys, however small they seem in the grand scheme, kept me smiling through the end of the day. Here's to keeping the balance and braving new tech—and maybe sneaking in a few more mindful breaks.

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Main Suggestion for Today

Explore and set up a streamlined way to manage your files between the studio and home using the external hard drive.

  • Verify Setup: Ensure the Thunderbolt port is functioning efficiently with the new external hard drive for fast file transfer.
  • Organize Files: Prioritize which files need immediate transfer for today's work, like the zine layout and photos.
  • Create Backup Routine: Establish a simple backup routine to ensure files are safely stored both at home and in the studio. Affirmation: You are a creative genius, adeptly navigating today's tasks with efficiency and ease.

Other Thoughts

Taking the 3D printer out of the box is a small but significant step to future creativity improvements. Keep breaking tasks into smaller steps and enjoy each accomplishment. Additionally, the 50/10 work-rest cycle is showing positive impacts on your well-being and effectiveness. Keep it up!

Sincere Kitty 😺