This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you're looking forward to enjoying or accomplishing today that might help you feel refreshed for the upcoming week?
  • How might you further explore your interest in stationery today, perhaps by experimenting with new tools or techniques?
  • Is there a particular leisure activity or personal project you're eager to dive into today that might inspire new creative ideas or provide a pleasant distraction?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Tidy and handle admin at studio
[ ] - Work on handwriting project
[ ] - Mow the lawn
[ ] - Continue handwriting after mowing lawn
[ ] - Cook dinner

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Today's been a blend of mundane chores and bursts of creativity. It's not going to be the most exciting journal entry, but there's something about getting things done that just feels right.

I started the day off by sorting out some bits and bobs at the studio. The space had started to feel a tad cluttered over the past week, so a bit of tidying was definitely in order. After making sure everything was in its rightful place, it was satisfying seeing a cleaner, more organised studio environment.

Once I got back home, I dove back into the handwriting project. I've been aligning all the letter pairs, which is incredibly tedious and manually intensive. Yet, there's a sense of accomplishment in making headway with it. As boring as it can be to tweak and adjust, it's a necessary step before I crack on with the coding part. It's always about making sure the foundation is solid before building on top of it.

But let's talk about the highlight of the day: mowing the lawn. If you told teenage me that I'd one day find lawn mowing enjoyable, I'd probably laugh it off. It’s surprisingly rewarding. There's a clear, visible result—a nicely manicured lawn. I've had a few things on my plate that have been stressful and up in the air, so mowing the lawn provided a fantastic distraction and a bit of calm.

Back inside, I had a bit of a creative streak. I've been experimenting with different handwriting styles, aiming for a balance between aesthetics and functionality. The auto-alignment code came in handy for most cases, although a few stubborn ones needed manual adjustments. Tedious, yes, but also quite necessary to ensure everything looks and functions smoothly.

Had lunch in between these tasks, a nice little break to reset and come back rejuvenated. Post-lunch, I returned to the handwriting project, aligning more letter pairs and tweaking the code. It's surprising how much mental energy this takes, but it’s coming along nicely. I even managed to jot down a few new ideas that came to me while working, always good to capture those moments of inspiration.

All in all, balancing between something as routine as mowing the lawn and the intricate work of the handwriting project provided a nice mix. Mowing offered a break from the mental exertion of coding and aligning letters. It's always good to have a blend of physical activity and desk work; it keeps things balanced.

Dinner was pretty uneventful—not much to report there. Simple meals get the job done and that's all I need when the day has been as productive. In the evening, I took some time to unwind and read on the Kindle. It wasn't long before it was time to close down for the night and get some rest.

Looking ahead, the coming week promises to be busy with admin tasks and studio projects. There’s a bit of anxiety knowing that there's a lot to juggle, but with a proper plan, I should be able to tackle things head-on. Anyway, time to wind down and hope for a peaceful night’s sleep.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on Mowing the Lawn and Advancing Handwriting Work Given your current frustrations with the ongoing studio sale, leaning into tasks that you can accomplish today, like mowing the lawn and making progress on your handwriting project, will offer a sense of achievement and help manage stress.

Quick Action Points

  • Mow the lawn after lunch when the grass is dry.
  • Dedicate focused time to work on the double letters in your generative handwriting project.
  • Balance the day by inserting brief sessions of something you enjoy, like playing Diablo 4, to recharge.


You are capable of managing today's tasks with a sense of accomplishment and calm. You've navigated complex challenges before and will continue to find creative and effective solutions.

Other Thoughts

Remember to take breaks and stay hydrated, especially if you are working outside or on tedious, detailed work like handwriting. Utilize any spare moments to mentally refresh, whether it’s through a game, reading, or a short walk. Balancing your focused efforts with relaxation will help position you well for the start of the week.

Have a wonderful, productive, and refreshing Sunday!

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻