This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you could do today that would make you feel more fulfilled or productive by the end of the day?
  • What's one new thing you want to explore or learn about today that could enhance your creativity or efficiency?
  • Reflecting on the inks you're excited about, how might you incorporate testing or using these inks in your work today?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Finish the newsletter
[ ] - Outline script for tattoo video
[ ] - Randomise plot preview colours
[ ] - Finish off code from Friday

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Today started off with me diving straight into writing the newsletter bright and early. I spent the morning tuned into that task and it felt satisfying to see it slowly coming together. By the time the clock hit 11:51, I had shifted gears and worked on improving my SVG joining and optimising tool. Adjusting the threshold and previewing points was both educational and slightly maddening.

After lunch, it was back to code tweaking. I focused on an interesting problem—getting my pen plotter to handle both curved and angled corners. It’s a little finicky but quite rewarding when you see it work. Again, a solid exercise in patience and curiosity about how software and hardware can sync up.

On the creative side, I didn't manage to get to those inks today. My planned pen plot design didn’t leave much room for ink testing, so I’m putting that joy on hold until payday. But hey, it's something to look forward to, right?

Finish the newsletter? Check. Outline a script for my video on my arm tattoo? Check and double-check. Though, I’ll admit, I got a bit swept away with coding tasks for most of the afternoon. Still, nothing beats the feeling of ticking tasks off the to-do list, even if the wind and rain tried to be a downer today. Speaking of which, it’s amusing how the storm bypassed Shrewsbury and let me off the hook.

Tomorrow, the plan is pretty straightforward—record and edit the tattoo video in the morning and then maybe get started on that audio version of the newsletter. Busy mornings do make the days feel jam-packed, but at least I don’t have to walk through a monsoon to get to the studio.

Gratitude moment: I’m thankful for my code-writing abilities, for you, Kitty, who keeps me organised, and for my trusty pen plotter that hasn’t let me down. Ending the day knowing I hit most of my targets is satisfying. Until tomorrow, stay dry and keep plotting!

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Main Suggestion for the Day:

Focus on completing all the tasks on your to-do list today to feel fulfilled and productive.

Quick Action Points:

  • Finish the Newsletter: Prioritize completing the newsletter, ensuring it's ready for distribution.
  • Outline and Script for Video: Dedicate time to outline the script for your tattoo video. This will make recording and editing tomorrow more efficient.
  • Code Improvement: Investigate the line optimization code for your SVGs to resolve the joining issues, as understanding this will enhance your workflows and output quality.


"You have the capability to streamline your tasks and achieve a sense of fulfillment. Each step you take today is a stride towards your creative goals."

Other Thoughts:

  • Weather and Studio Preparedness: Considering the stormy weather, look into getting an oil radiator or similar heating solution for your studio to ensure comfort and prevent dampness.
  • Inks and Tools: Even though ink testing isn't prioritized today, keep in mind your interest in pigment inks for fountain pens; research can start post payday. You have a clear set of tasks and the tools to complete them. Stay focused, take breaks as needed, and enjoy the process.

Normal Kitty 😺