This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative activity you can engage in today that aligns well with your desire to avoid laptop use and foster relaxation?
  • How can the idea of incorporating small photo printers and personal technology into your journaling enhance your creative documentation today?
  • As you continue to navigate your current projects, what’s one actionable step you can take today to streamline an aspect of your workflow that has been challenging?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Plan out the week's schedule and tasks
[ ] - Continue weekly admin and finalize morning planning
[ ] - Time box tutorial video script writing
[ ] - Prepare VSketch skills for Wednesday's call
[ ] - Work on pen plotter website updates

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Foggy Monday Morning

Today started with me planning out the week using index cards. This gives structure to the week and ensures everything gets its slot, helping me avoid overflows. I plotted the grid background for my journal pages and caught up on Substack newsletters. The Kindle and Audible UI issues frustrate me; things are not properly marked, so it’s a jumble. I decided to start tracking things in Obsidian.

Mid-morning was spent grappling with vsketch, an interesting task. Once I got to grips with it, I worked through code to translate and rotate triangles. It's fascinating how straightforward concepts can become intricate puzzles when coding.

After lunch, it was time to sketch an outline for the website. Visualising the structure helped to solidify the content hierarchy, and I feel this website will be a great resource for the community. Then, I got the course outline sorted. The aim is to make it as clear and comprehensive as possible for new users and those looking to deepen their skills.

Reflecting on the day, I got a good chunk of planning for the week done, sorted my reading list, and made headway with VSketch. I didn't finish all the books in Obsidian but managed to input the current ones, which is a big improvement. I also outlined the penplotter website, which will serve as a repository for tutorials and resources.

For the VSketch and coding part, no profound insights came. It's a useful tool, albeit less flexible than bespoke coding. I got it working as needed for Wednesday’s Zoom lesson. Planning the week with index cards gave a clearer picture of the tasks and projects lined up, maintaining a good mood and productivity for the rest of the day. Despite a slight headache, it was a productive day.

In summary, today was a positive day filled with planning, coding, and getting things organised. I'm optimistic about the rest of the week. Another focus for the upcoming days will be making progress on those last two tutorial scripts, so I can finally revise them next week. No other notable events today, but feeling positive and prepped for the rest of the week.

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Sure, here is the output in markdown format:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on allocating specific time blocks for different tasks to maximize productivity and minimize overflow Based on today's Q&A responses, it's clear that time boxing and proper planning are essential. With the ongoing challenge of dealing with tutorial videos and managing the studio logistics, a structured schedule can help keep things on track.

Quick Action Points

  • Time Box Tutorial Work: Allocate dedicated blocks of time, perhaps in the first half of the day, strictly for working on the tutorial videos and related scripts. Avoid allowing other tasks to overflow into this period.
  • Use Afternoon Slot for Skill Review: Use the afternoon for enhancing VSketch skills, ensuring readiness for the one-on-one Zoom call on Wednesday.
  • Set Evening Relaxation Non-Digital Goals: In the evening, focus on organizing your reading list and using your paper journal to track books. This will help to foster relaxation without the use of digital devices.


You are organized and capable, and you have the power to structure your tasks in a way that maximizes productivity while maintaining balance and creativity.

Other Thoughts

  • Review Progress Regularly: Regular status checks on where you stand with each project can help ensure that no task is left lagging behind.
  • Minimize Laptop Use in the Evening: As you’ve noticed, reducing evening laptop use has positively impacted your well-being. Keep nurturing this habit for long-term benefits.
  • Share Updates: Try sharing your weekly plan and adjustments with stakeholders or your community; this can create an accountability loop that further helps in maintaining the schedule.

Feel free to adjust or add any details based on your thoughts or priority changes for the week.

Normal Kitty 😺