This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on recent intensive work on pen plot designs, what new idea or technique do you want to experiment with today to further enhance your creativity?
  • Given your recent interest in blending Sharpie colors and creating interference patterns, what other tools or materials could you explore today to add another layer of texture or effect to your artwork?
  • How might you incorporate time for both focused work and moments of relaxation today, ensuring a balanced and productive day?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Edit the weeknotes video first thing in morning
[ ] - Try out new inks in Rotring pens
[ ] - Add new ink stuff to Weeknotes video
[ ] - Work on quad tree design with Rotring inks
[ ] - Schedule regular breaks for better productivity

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testing some new ink, how far will it go before it runs out

Friday was, surprisingly, one of the good days. I started off filling some pens with ink and testing some new acrylic ink in the pen plotter early in the morning. I tried looking at paints around mid-morning to see if that high-flow acrylic paint I had could work in pens. Which it can, so that's great.

I spent a fair bit of time this morning still testing inks in the pen plotter, trying to balance colours, and seeing how they interact on different papers. This can sometimes be a bit repetitive, but today I enjoyed the process more than usual. Maybe it’s the feeling of being on the cusp of something when you test new materials. For lunch, I took a break at noon, which was a good mental reset.

In the afternoon, I worked on the quadtree code. It's not as advanced as I wanted it to be by the end of the day, but still, progress is progress. I cleaned up the code a bit and felt a sense of accomplishment, even if it was unfinished. Late in the day, around the early evening, I began cleaning the pens and closing down the studio. It's important to end the day with a clean workspace, mentally closing the loop on tasks.

Reflecting on today's work with the quadtree code and ink tests, I found incorporating this new ink quite interesting. I wasn’t going to do the ink tests today but decided they were worth attempting. They turned out to be quite revealing, particularly how the new Golden acrylic ink performs in a pen. It’s reassuring that I can do archival work with this ink, which boosts my confidence for future projects.

The week feels productive. I regret not finishing another design I had in mind but feel a sense of ease knowing I have a solid foundation to work from next week. I also made a mental note to possibly order more inks and pens for further tests. Chris deserves a shout-out for introducing me to that excellent ink. And special mention goes to the good lighting in the studio that enhanced my photos today.

Wrapping up, I've learned to embrace the flow of the workday better and to stop for breaks more consistently. It makes a significant difference in my energy levels. Overall, Friday was quite fulfilling.

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Sure, here is the main suggestion for today with the requested elements.

Today's Main Suggestion 🌟

Focus on Balancing Breaks and Work Flow

Given your recent goal to incorporate meaningful breaks to avoid end-of-day tiredness, today's suggestion is to emphasize the balance between work and relaxation effectively.

Action Points:

  • Implement a Strict Timer: Use a timer to enforce the 50-minute work and 10-minute break rule. Make sure to sit down and relax during these breaks to clear your mind.
  • Rotate Tasks Wisely: Schedule tasks efficiently to allow the pen plotter time to work while you handle other design preparations or video editing.
  • Experiment with Rotring Pens: Begin testing the new ink with Rotring pens, as this aligns with your interest in trying new materials and fountain pens.


I am capable of maintaining a balanced and productive workflow by incorporating meaningful breaks and efficient task management.

Other Thoughts:

  • Start the day by editing the weeknotes video to have a clear break point around 11:00 AM, after which you can seamlessly switch to working on the new quadtree design.
  • Prioritize gathering the necessary inks and ensuring they work with the Rotring pens, as this will likely be an ongoing task into next week.
  • Consider a brief walk during one of your breaks to recharge physically and mentally, given your prior mentions of enjoying the outdoor setting. By keeping today's focus on balance and managing your tasks efficiently, you'll find productivity while avoiding end-of-day burnout. Enjoy your creative process!

Normal Kitty 😺