This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can channel the tactile and refreshing experience from yesterday's analog activities into your digital artwork today?
  • Considering you're often juggling multiple creative avenues, how might today's scheduled tasks provide opportunities to explore new artistic expressions or refine ongoing projects?
  • What's one specific goal you'd like to achieve by the end of today that would make you feel more fulfilled and productive?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Plot journal pages for July
[ ] - Reply to outstanding emails
[ ] - Take July journal page photo
[ ] - Catch up on newsletters
[ ] - Work on zine code
[ ] - Work on script for pre-seed project

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Today was quite the mixed bag. I started my morning by diving into the world of emails at about 08:55. It's always a joy to clear that inbox, or at least see it as organised chaos.

By 10:05, I found myself on Instagram, tweaking some photos for posting. Funny how "editing photos" quickly turns into "avoiding plotting journal pages." But I did get to plotting those pages by 10:53. I almost started replying to those emails too. Almost.

Just before noon, around 11:57, I found myself deep in the rabbit hole of a business coach’s website. The site was calm and pastel, but I couldn’t help but feel sceptical. It’s interesting to think about how these coaches thrive—teaching others to be coaches feels a bit... pyramid-y. Anyway, lunch was next on the agenda at 12:48. Always a good break.

The afternoon was all about the zine code. At 14:03, I was working on it and then continued to focus on page layouts for the zine at 15:04. The day's highlight was getting the zine pages ordered correctly. Now, I just need to add the content. It’s satisfying to see progress, especially when the code plays nice.

I had two scripts for videos that needed my attention. And I realised something significant today—shooting videos is a morning task, while scriptwriting and editing are best left for the afternoon. It’s no wonder I often felt stuck when trying to edit in the mornings. This little insight might help streamline things going forward.

After tackling some zine work, I focused on my Preseed project video script. I didn’t finish the script but felt the index cards would suffice. Tomorrow morning should be smooth for shooting. There's always something gratifying about prepping the groundwork.

Today was filled with tasks and reflections, with a hint of positivity despite that studio sale still looming over me. Information is hopefully coming next week, and I’m aiming to stay focused and worry-free until then. Fingers crossed!

And that’s a wrap for today. Here’s hoping tomorrow will be just as productive, if not more.

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Absolutely, Daniel! Here you go:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on finalizing the pre-seed project video script and shot list to prepare for tomorrow's video shoot.

Quick Action Points

  • Review and finalize scripts: Ensure that both outstanding scripts are solidified and ready for tomorrow. Use today's energy to avoid procrastination and get into a focused state.
  • Prepare the tactile zine layout: Defy your digital surroundings by working on the zine code and plotting out a test design. This aligns with your hands-on approach mentioned in the Q&A.
  • Catch up on emails and newsletters: Clear your inbox and get up to date with newsletters to keep your communication and information flow smooth.


You've got this, Daniel. Your ability to adapt and schedule your creative endeavors effectively is what sets you apart. Keep pushing forward, one task at a time.

Other Thoughts

Consider your realization about different phases of video production: shooting in the morning and editing in the afternoon. Align your tasks today to fit this schedule better starting from tomorrow. Get into the habit of setting your 50 and 10-minute timers in the morning and after lunch to optimize your productivity.

There you have it, Daniel. Let's crush this Monday!

Sassy Kitty 😼