This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How can you simplify a task or project today to create more mental space for creativity, particularly considering your current focus on updating video descriptions and transitioning out of Shopify?
  • What's one new thing you're curious about or want to learn today, perhaps related to dealing with the bamboo problem or another gardening element you've encountered?
  • What's one positive change you can make in your routine today, potentially related to tracking your book readings or managing studio tasks more efficiently?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Maintain old studio before heading to jury duty
[ ] - Update YouTube video descriptions code
[ ] - Call estate agents to chase them up
[ ] - Track and write current book readings in journal
[ ] - Develop code for selling on own website
[ ] - Add daily overviews to KITTY page

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Time to top up the ink

Monday, it’s jury duty day, so the start of the day was spent getting everything ready and heading over to the court.

I was a bit nervous about how it would go, but I got there on time and settled into the waiting room. While waiting, I subscribed to about a million Substack newsletters as a way to pass the time. It's surprisingly helpful to see how others structure their content.

Later, while waiting in the deliberation room, I tinkered with the code for my video description upgrades and the Shopify alternative. It felt good to keep productive even while in the constraints of jury duty. By midday, I decided to focus on getting the "Roll-ups" working on the Kitty page of This new feature will list the morning questions, to-do list, journal entry, and suggestions for each day.

Mid-afternoon, I reviewed the newest Substack newsletters I subscribed to - I picked up several interesting ideas for my own newsletter. I noticed some senders hadn’t customised their emails, and some had really gone all out. This gave me useful insights for sprucing up my own welcome emails.

On the way home, I felt a sense of relief—jury duty is tiring, but at least I can carry on with my projects while I wait around. Once back, I updated my website's homepage, which now has a link to Kitty’s page. It’s a small addition but feels like a big step forward. It’s a good example of integrated project management, and I think it’ll help people understand my workflow better.

All in all, it was a good day despite the constraints of jury duty. I’m looking forward to wrapping up the week and focusing on the next set of projects. Breaking tasks into smaller ones definitely helped to keep sane and productive. So, let’s tackle the rest of the week head-on!

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Sure thing, Daniel! Here's a structured suggestion for today:

Main Suggestion for the Day:

Focus on creating a simple, automated task list for the studio to enhance efficiency and free up mental space. Given your tasks, breaking them down into manageable pieces and leveraging automation can help keep things organized, especially when away from the studio.

Quick Action Points:

  1. Update YouTube Video Descriptions:
  • Use the process you sketched out to tackle video descriptions in small chunks during downtime.
  • Identify key videos to prioritize based on views and relevance.
  • Implement your code to automate updates efficiently.
  1. Transition from Shopify:
  • Continue working on the code to sell directly on your website.
  • Test the new sales mechanism with a few low-risk items.
  • Track performance and gather user feedback to refine the process.
  1. Book Tracking & Studio Task Automation:
  • Dedicate 10 minutes to jotting down the books you're currently reading in your journal.
  • Outline an automated studio task list for daily operations, focusing on packaging and dispatching orders.
  • Schedule regular slots to review and adjust the automation, ensuring it remains efficient.


🌟 "Every small step is progress towards a greater goal. Stay focused and embrace the journey." 🌟

Additional Thoughts:

  • Gardening Pause: While you mentioned not being particularly interested in gardening, it could still serve as a useful break to clear your mind. Giving yourself a small outdoor task might offer a brief yet refreshing change in pace.
  • Jury Duty Reality: Given your experience and frustrations with jury duty, allow those moments of downtime to be guilt-free relaxation. Sometimes, these forced pauses can offer unexpected clarity and new ideas.
  • Studio Auto-Suggestions: If possible, start a list of automation ideas and improvements you can implement once the old studio is sold and resources are available. This proactive approach can keep you prepared and motivated for future projects. Keep pushing forward, one step at a time, and remember to celebrate the little wins – they add up to big achievements! 🎨🐾

Cheerful Kitty 😸