This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can challenge yourself today to break out of the routine you often find yourself in with plotting and coding tasks?
  • Reflecting on yesterday's insights from the business coach's website, how might you apply your analysis to sharpen your own marketing strategies or studio management today?
  • As you dive into the zine layout code today, how do you envision translating the tactile elements of your analog art into this digital format to enhance the viewer's experience?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Continue working on zine code and layout
[ ] - Visit the estate agent
[ ] - Write the newsletter
[ ] - Prepare for preseed video tomorrow

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Tuesday started with a steady focus on refining the zine code. I've been aiming to capture the nuances of analog art in the layout, and today's task felt rewarding. The pages need to be numbered correctly due to how they fold, and thankfully, my handwriting API simplified some challenging text placements. However, the page number placement still needs a bit of tweaking.

By mid-morning, I transitioned from tinkering with the zine code to outlining the newsletter. Shifting gears proved beneficial. Although I wanted to continue with the zine, adhering to my planned task schedule kept me on track. The first draft of the newsletter is complete. I'll review and tweak it later this week, then record it next week. Keeping a strict timeline like this prevents things from dragging out.

In the afternoon, I was back to writing more of the newsletter. The switch between coding and writing illustrated how much the different types of work feed into each other. Plotting out text zines without the design yet and seeing that it's functional was pretty satisfying. I love seeing progress made tangible.

No updates on the studio sale, which, while expected, is still disappointing. Yet, I had a bit of a late start, but the day's flow felt productive otherwise.

Tomorrow will bring another round with the zine code—I still need to finalise the page number placement and get the designs to work correctly. The goal is to maintain pace and tackle these remaining challenges with a fresh perspective.

Reflecting on the day, it's been a mix of technical problem-solving and creative writing. Both aspects provide a rounded sense of achievement. And while the looming studio sale continues to hover, focusing on immediate tasks helps manage the broader uncertainties.

For now, it's all about balancing the delicate mix of coding precision and the exploratory nature of writing. Seeing both come together is part of the art process, even if it means managing frustration alongside small wins.

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Main Suggestion for the Day:

Refine your zine code to integrate content efficiently while balancing it with your newsletter writing.

Quick Action Bullet Points:

  • Finish refining the zine layout code: Ensure the sample zine is fully functional by getting the content onto the pages.
  • Draft the newsletter: Start writing the newsletter to get ahead and use the refined business coach insights for calm, engaging content.
  • Visit the estate agent: Again, drop by to ensure all the paperwork and communications are on track, given the looming deadlines.


You've got the balance of creativity and productivity. Keep moving forward with confidence; today's focus is setting you up for even more success.

Other Thoughts:

Given the ongoing situation with the studio sale, it might be valuable to sketch out a contingency plan for securing some freelance work or other income streams, just to cover any unforeseen delays. Oh, and remember to keep hydrated; your studio feels like a sauna lately.

Sassy Kitty 😼