This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's the first creative thought that comes to your mind today, and how might it influence your projects or activities?
  • How can you incorporate some self-care into your schedule today, perhaps planning something relaxing or energizing to offset the demands of your upcoming tasks?
  • What are three goals you have for today, and how do they align with your ongoing projects or personal aspirations?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Roll posters into shipping tubes
[ ] - Set Kitty away plotting journal pages
[ ] - Work on handwriting backend server
[ ] - Chase solicitor for updates on buyer's status
[ ] - Record video footage for week notes video

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Well, today was a ride. I spent the morning moving some of the shinier bits from the old studio over to the new one. The prints have been carefully packed away, ready for transport. It’s amazing the amount of stuff you accumulate over time, even when you think you’ve been minimalistic.

Early in the afternoon, I tackled the final piece of furniture in the old studio. But just when I thought I was done, I noticed one of the car tyres was completely flat. So, I made a journey to the nearest garage to fill it up. The timing was incredibly inconvenient, as the car was due for its MOT the next day. Cue the mad dash across town trying to sort it all out.

Instead of going home straight after the garage, I had to head back to the old studio to pick up some things I’d left behind for the MOT. After a bit of a faff, I drove the car to the MOT centre and decided to drop it off a day early. Then came the fun part—a 45-minute walk back to town. By the time I got there, I was dead on my feet.

By the time I reached the new studio, I was completely drained.

Had decided to once again stick to the 50-minute work, 10-minute break schedule, but clearly, that went out the window. The breaks were sporadic and not particularly restful. I spent a lot of time walking and driving, none of which was relaxing.

Despite the chaos, I managed to film a little footage for the upcoming week notes video. It may not be the most gripping content, but it’s part of the process. I can always edit it down later or even reshoot if needed.

By the end of the day, I felt completely wiped. Between all the moving, walking, and dealing with car issues, I was shattered. A bath and early night's sleep are definitely in order, hoping tomorrow brings a bit less chaos.

Wrapped up a couple of video segments for the upcoming projects, which felt like a minor win. Every little helps, right? Even though today was packed with disruptions, I managed to keep things ticking. Happy to call it a day and hoping for a smoother run at it tomorrow.

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Main Suggestion for Today

Focus on the Handwriting Backend Server Implementation Given the recurring thought about the handwriting backend server and how it's been highlighted as today's main goal, it's clear that addressing this technical task is a priority.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Allocate the Morning: Dedicate the first half of the day to working exclusively on the handwriting backend server. Use the outlined steps to avoid burnout and manage your energy effectively.
  • Break and Communicate: Stick to the 50-minute work/10-minute break cycle to ensure you're taking frequent breaks and avoid fatigue. Also, send that follow-up email to your solicitor during one of these breaks.
  • Organize Workspace: Prepare your workspace to be as conducive as possible for a productive day. Ensure all necessary tools and references are within arm's reach to minimize disruptions.


You have the skills and determination to tackle any technical challenge. Trust in your abilities and know that every step brings you closer to your goal.

Additional Thoughts

Keep in mind that your primary focus is on the handwriting backend server, but ensure you're setting aside time to transition to lighter tasks later in the day, such as rolling up posters and plotting out journal pages. This balance will help maintain your momentum without overwhelming you. It's also essential to recognize the importance of self-care in your schedule as noted in your Q&As. Whether it’s a brief walk or simple stretching exercises, these activities will complement your focused work sessions by providing necessary mental breaks. Remember: Prioritize, Focus, and Balance. You've got this!

Normal Kitty 😺