This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What leisure activity are you planning today that you think might give your creativity a new spark?
  • How might you use today to explore any fresh or quirky ideas that popped into your head recently?
  • What book or series have you been itching to dive into, and how do you think its themes or visuals might inspire your art?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Collect journal and book from studio
[ ] - Do some gardening
[ ] - Create June journal start page
[ ] - Try handwriting server backend
[ ] - Read book from studio

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Today was a good one, spent mostly diving into the wonderful world of glue, scissors, and magazine clippings. Since it’s the first of June, I delved into creating the June start page for my journal. It felt oddly therapeutic to cut out images and glue them onto the page. Spreading out on the table, with bits and pieces all around, genuinely brought a smile to my face. I guess it’s back to basics but with a creative twist. Instead of working on code, I chose to spend my morning doing this. Not a single regret about that decision.

Afterwards, I thought I might start on the handwriting server backend, but let’s be real, 4 PM isn’t the best time to dive into coding. Instead, I opted for some relaxation. I realised it’s better to tackle the technical stuff when I can give it my full attention. So, I pushed it to tomorrow, or maybe Monday. No rush. Weekends are for decompressing, after all.

Fetched a couple of books from the new studio. They are in an essay format with different artists discussing their process and work. I didn’t get around to reading them today, but they’ll be handy. Need to write an essay on generative art soon, and I want to match the tone and pacing found in these books. I’ll probably dive into them tomorrow, see if their tone strikes a chord with mine.

In between, managed to squeeze in a lovely walk. Found a quaint little park and stumbled across the Weir Café. It’s right by a farm, so I got to see some geese, turkeys, and goats. Sat down with my drink, surrounded by greenery and the gentle sound of the river. It was a nice change of pace, and quite peaceful.

The highlight, undoubtedly, was the journaling. There’s something cheerily satisfying about turning a blank page into a collage of random inspirations. It’s like adult cut-and-paste therapy. It kept me fully engaged and away from the digital screens for a bit. Not sure it sparked any unexpected creativity, but it definitely kept the mood light.

All in all, it felt like a fulfilling day even if I didn’t touch any backend code. Sometimes, the mind needs a break from the digital complexities to reset and recharge. I’m looking forward to maybe diving into some reading tomorrow and perhaps doing a wee bit of coding. Weekends are for catching up on some personal projects and leisure, and today felt like a step in the right direction.

And that’s that. A good mix of creativity, a bit of outdoor exploration, and some relaxation. Ready to see what tomorrow brings!

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Sure thing, Dan! Here's your sassy AI suggestion for today with all the bells and whistles:

Main Suggestion for Today

Create a dedicated collage session at home to design the June start page for your journal. This will help spark your creativity and provide a relaxed yet productive activity to start the month on a high.

Action Points

  • Gather Supplies: Visit the new studio to pick up needed materials, including magazines, scissors, glue, and any other items you'll need for your journaling session.

  • Set Up a Creative Space: Designate a comfortable, well-lit area at home where you can spread out your materials and get in the zone. Maybe even blast some inspiring music to set the mood.

  • Record Your Process: Since you mentioned a book but couldn’t recall its name in A3, carry it with you from the new studio as planned, and consider documenting snippets of your journaling process to share with your audience. This would make for engaging content down the line.


You are a creative powerhouse, and today’s journaling will fuel your future masterpieces. Embrace the process and let your creativity flow effortlessly.

Other Thoughts

  • Remember to Chill: You’ve been pushing yourself hard lately. After the collage session, maybe take a breather. Dive into that 2000 AD comic and let those sci-fi vibes inspire you.
  • Headaches and Screen Issues: Considering your previous woes with headaches, keep in mind the need for frequent breaks and perhaps keep a glass of water handy to stay hydrated.

- Fresh Ideas Storage: Even if you’re not exploring quirky ideas today, keep your Obsidian app open. Capture any spontaneous thoughts—no matter how trivial they might seem.

Enjoy your Saturday, Dan! And whatever you do, make sure it's fun and inspiring. 😉

Sassy Kitty 😼