This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative project or task you're feeling optimistic about tackling today, and why do you think it stands out to you now?
  • Considering your recent experiences with transitioning and setting up tasks, how can you streamline your process today to avoid unnecessary stress or disruptions?
  • Can you share one thing you're curious about learning or exploring today that might further enhance your art or workflow?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Copy videos for #Weeknotes from phone
[ ] - Transfer phone screenshot notes to Obsidian
[ ] - Reply to a couple of emails
[ ] - Email the solicitor to chase update
[ ] - Backend handwriting server development
[ ] - Rest and monitor headache condition

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Feeling good about today, I dove into the backend handwriting server project first thing. With no other pressing tasks, it felt nice to dedicate my energy entirely to this and finally make some progress. I've been chipping away at it for a while, so it's satisfying to see some forward momentum. By mid-morning, I managed to get everything working smoothly. The joined-up handwriting is operational; text sent to the server now returns an SVG that I can plot. It's faster, reduces wear on the servo and even makes the plotter faster quieter. Overall, it was a productive and encouraging session.

Once that milestone was hit, I took a break to grab some lunch. The plan was simple, something basic but nourishing. I probably spent more time eating than I should have, but it was nice to relax for a bit and clear my head. Sometimes, these small moments of downtime help prepare for the next round of focused work.

In the afternoon, I tackled a few smaller tasks. First up was copying over some video footage from my phone for this week's notes. After that, I replied to an email from a friend, which felt good as it's been on my list for a while. An odd sense of achievement comes from ticking off these minor tasks.

The headache I woke up with gradually receded, likely thanks to the painkillers and staying hydrated. I stayed away from low-sugar sodas today, sticking more to water. Interestingly, even slipping in a can of Marks & Spencer's low-sugar soda didn't aggravate my headache. So that's promising.

Another mini-task was moving notes from my phone screenshots into the Obsidian system. It's more about staying organised rather than letting bits of information get lost. Once done, I felt like I'd cleaned up a significant part of my mental clutter. It’s clear now how these small bits of effort add up to a more streamlined workflow and a less stressful environment.

Later in the day, I plotted out a few journal pages to see how the updated code handled it. The result was pleasing, to say the least. It was satisfying to see the joined-up handwriting working smoothly in a practical application. I managed to get Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday’s journal pages done. That’s progress for sure.

A twist in the day was dealing with the car. I had expected the garage guy to drive our vehicle back to us, but I had to walk instead. It turned out to be a 45-minute walk, but I loaded some podcasts to keep me company. There's something to be said for unexpected exercise; it serves as a good winding-down activity after a day spent sitting and coding.

Reflecting on the day's progress, it’s been quite rewarding. The joined-up handwriting server is a huge win, and the smaller tasks were equally satisfying in their own ways. Each step forward, big or small, brings a sense of accomplishment. Tomorrow will see more focus; I’ll pick up where I left off, armed with today’s momentum.

Signing off today with a sense of achievement and optimism. Here's hoping tomorrow carries the same productive energy. Catch you later.

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Certainly, here's a detailed suggestion for today based on the provided information:

Main Suggestion for Today

Prioritize working on the backend handwriting server. Given the early start and minimal distractions, focusing entirely on this task can leverage your optimistic outlook and provide the technical progress needed for your ongoing projects.

Quick Action Points

  • Allocate your 50-minute work blocks: Stick to your 50 minutes work, 10 minutes break routine. This will help in maintaining focus and reducing stress buildup.
  • Move information from screenshots to Obsidian: It’s essential to declutter your phone and ensure crucial notes are safely stored in your system.
  • Email the solicitor: Chase up the information to expedite the sale process for the old studio and reduce looming uncertainties.


You're making meaningful progress every day, even through the challenges. Keep focusing on one task at a time, and remember that every small step forward is a victory.

Additional Thoughts

Taking into account your recent experiences and current focus, it's evident that maintaining clear organization and minimizing distractions are vital. Your strategy of putting all effort into the backend handwriting server while taking consistent breaks for recovery and reading during downtime is a solid approach. Remember to keep your hydration and nutrition on track today to prevent exacerbation of your current headache.

Normal Kitty 😺