This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on your recent success with managing multiple project components, how might you approach today's activities to ensure a dynamic yet balanced creative workflow?
  • Considering your enjoyment of integrating personal projects like plotting birthday cards with your larger artistic goals, what's a new or ongoing personal endeavor you're excited to delve into today?
  • In light of your recent website updates and the satisfaction it brought, how can you apply those insights or that momentum to enhance another aspect of your work or online presence today?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Set Kitty off plotting journal pages
[ ] - Edit photos for newsletter and pen plot showcase
[ ] - Finish writing newsletter for Thursday distribution
[ ] - Visit estate agents about studio sale
[ ] - Complete script writing for YouTube videos

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I kicked off today with a straightforward plan: keep things simple. In the morning, I focused on taking new photos of my pen plots. I had a decent setup and really worked on getting the lighting just right. I'm quite good at discarding bad shots, but even so, there's a lot of sifting involved. By 8:39, I was deep into photo editing and making some good progress.

By mid-morning, around 11:12, I shifted gears to work on the newsletter that I needed to get written for Thursday. Writing newsletters takes time, and I find that doing a bit each day helps keep it manageable. It's also a task that feels quite rewarding once it's done.

I took a lunch break at noon and watched some YouTube videos while eating. I find this a good way to recharge before diving back into work. After lunch, I walked to the estate agent to sort out the issues with selling the old studio. That walk always gives me time to clear my head, and today's discussion left me feeling a bit closer to getting everything sorted. The sale is still dragging on, which is frustrating, but I can see some movement at least.

Returning in the early afternoon, I spent some time editing my script. I've got one part down, which feels like an achievement. One more to go. This project is coming together nicely, although it’s still a bit of a slog.

While I worked on various tasks, my plotter was busy plotting journal pages. It’s a nice automated system that allows me to multitask effectively. Having the machine run in the background is a good way to catch up on the backlog. I need to plot a significant number of pages for my journal.

One of the most rewarding aspects of today's photo editing was realising I had the exact shots I needed. Exporting them for the newsletter felt like a win. I still need to go through the rest and decide when to post them on social media, but that can wait until tomorrow.

As the day wound down, I felt fairly accomplished with my scriptwriting. Although the old studio sale is still pending, today's conversation has made me feel a bit closer to the finish line on that front.

The weather was a bit damp and miserable, although it wasn't freezing. I had my fleecy jacket on, which did the trick in keeping me warm. One odd thing today was having to head out on that walk to shout at the estate agents again. Definitely not something I enjoy, but a necessary evil to keep the process moving.

So, wrapping up today, I’d say it was productive overall. Managed to get a fair bit done and still left some tasks to look forward to tackling tomorrow. I’m glad it’s not freezing cold outside and that today, even with its small frustrations, turned out quite well in the end.

Anything else to note? Not particularly. Just another day of balancing between creative tasks and admin, and pushing things slowly towards completion.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on maintaining a straightforward dual-task approach to today's workflow while exploring the potential of automated, personalized postal outreach. This could add a unique touch to your artistic expression and community engagement.

Quick Action Points

  • Set a Timer: Use the 50-minute work and 10-minute break schedule rigorously to manage the dual-focus workflow of morning and afternoon tasks, ensuring productivity and rest are balanced effectively.

  • Automate Postal Selection: Investigate scripting options that could semi-automate the process of selecting individuals from your contact list who haven't received physical mail recently, streamlining the new outreach project.

  • Newsletter and Script Prioritization: Dedicate a sizable chunk of today to writing the newsletter and at least one script draft, using established breaks to recharge creativity.


"Today's focus and creativity are stepping stones to tomorrow's achievements."

Other Thoughts

Remember, the blend of technical skill and personal touch underscores much of your work's value—today's blend of coding, pen plotting, and personal correspondence projects exemplify this perfectly. Let's also keep an eye on workflow improvements based on past experiences, ensuring each day is a step forward, not just in productivity but in personal satisfaction and community connection.

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻