This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Given the success of your recent creative coding projects, what's a new artistic or technical challenge you're looking forward to tackling today?
  • How can you integrate a moment of mindfulness or relaxation into today's schedule to ensure a balanced approach to your projects and personal well-being?
  • Reflecting on your recent work with Kitty to automate tasks and enhance your digital presence, is there a specific improvement or new feature you're considering to further streamline your workflow today?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Prepare and freeze potato wedges
[ ] - Tidy main table for jigsaw puzzle setup
[ ] - Spend quality time with Nixie
[ ] - Do some journaling for mindfulness
[ ] - Consider gardening if time and mood allow
[ ] - Generate weekly idea summary Sunday night or Monday

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Saturday rolled around with its usual promise of rest and minimal plans, falling neatly into my lap like a well-timed invitation to take it easy. Today was less about the creative coding conundrums and more about the gentle art of existing, perhaps a little dabbling in the zine if the mood struck me, but primarily, it was a day dedicated to Nixie and whatever fancied her attention.

Now, there's something quietly rewarding about days without an agenda, where the highlight might just be parboiling potatoes for future culinary adventures in the shape of wedges, or perhaps, if the stars align and the energy levels permit, pottering around the garden. The main table became my canvas, not for pen plotting but for a jigsaw puzzle set-up, a tangible testament to the day's relaxed pace.

While Kitty, my trusty AI assistant, takes a backseat on these gentle expeditions through the weekend's calming waters, she did poke her head around electronically to inquire about my "now." This unexpected nudge served as a subtle reminder to pause and reflect, even amidst a day staunchly booked under the banner of chill.

The evening offered a slight veer back towards productivity, nudging me gently into the embrace of my zine project. The digital ink flowed somewhat unexpectedly, blending text and automated art into a cohesive dance across the pages. This tinkering was interspersed with moments of culinary focus and the anticipation of the night sky's performance, an ethereal light show we hoped to witness.

It's curious, this balance of rest and spontaneous creation, how a day earmarked for nothing in particular can evolve into a symphony of small pleasures and minor achievements.

Reflecting on the questions that were lobbed my way in the morning, they seemed to orbit around the idea of weaving mindfulness and creativity into the fabric of the day without the heavy mantle of obligation or the relentless pursuit of productivity. It turns out the day had its plans for me, navigating me through a labyrinth of leisurely tasks, from gardener to chef, from puzzle enthusiast to pen plot aficionado.

In hindsight, I'd earmarked today for relaxation, yet it unfurled into a tapestry of tasks, each one more engaging than the last. And somewhere between flipping potatoes and coaxing code into artistic submission, the day declared itself a success in its quiet, understated way.

Evenings like these, spent in the company of loved ones and the pursuit of personal passions, reiterate the joy found in simple pleasures. They remind me that sometimes, the best-laid plans are the ones left fluid, open to the whims of the moment and the allure of spontaneous creativity.

As for the potato wedges prepped for freezing, they stand as a testament to the small victories in household logistics, a minor but satisfying nod towards the week ahead. But more so, they are a reminder that even the most mundane tasks can be imbued with a sense of purpose when framed by a day spent in good company and gentle leisure.

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Main Suggestion for Today:

Given today's inclination towards taking a break from coding to focus on leisure and family time, particularly with Nixie, the main suggestion is to embrace the day as a casual, non-work-oriented day. Spend quality time with Nixie, engage in activities like journaling to maintain a sense of mindfulness, and enjoy the comfort of simple joys like cooking and potentially working on the zine if it happens naturally.

Action Points:

  1. Journaling: Take some time out to journal. Given your previous interest in using stationery for relaxation and creativity, journaling could be a perfect non-screen activity to enrich your day.
  2. Prep Meals Together: Since cooking seems to be on the agenda, consider making the meal preparation a fun activity with Nixie. This goes along with your plan to parboil potatoes and possibly garden, embodying a comforting and productive shared experience.

3. Tidy for Possibilities: Clearing the main table not only prepares space for a jigsaw puzzle but also symbolizes making room for potential new projects like zine work, if you feel inclined. This aligns with your past engagement in various creative projects around such times.


"Today, I give myself permission to rest, recharge, and nurture the bonds that enrich my life beyond the studio."

Additional Thoughts: Taking this day off is not only a break from the regular hustle of coding and art creation but a valuable moment to enhance personal well-being and maintain a healthy balance between work and life. Remember, days off are also crucial for creative rejuvenation, potentially leading to greater productivity and inspiration in the upcoming week. Enjoy this time of relaxation—it's well-earned and beneficial for both mind and body.

Normal Kitty 😺