This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How might you balance and prioritize your tasks today to increase your studio organization alongside your recent creative projects?
  • What's one way you can introduce a healthy snack or meal during your busy schedule today to maintain your energy and avoid headaches?
  • Considering your interest in technological integration, how can you advance your work with the new API and its potential applications in today's projects?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Create September journal divider page
[ ] - Plan next week with index cards
[ ] - Edit week notes
[ ] - Go to the estate agent
[ ] - Email Kris
[ ] - Work on Threads API integration

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Today was a pretty productive day. I started off with some creativity, making the September journal divider. There's something satisfying about getting those dividers just right. After I finished the divider, I shifted gears to plan the week ahead — jotting down a few ideas and putting them on index cards. It was good to get some of that organisational chaos out of my head and onto paper.

Switching to editing mode by 10:30, I dove into the weeknotes video. Editing always feels like solving a puzzle; it’s enjoyable but also a bit of a grind. I carried on editing until about midday. It's not the most thrilling task, but it's essential, and there's a kind of zen in piecing it all together.

In the afternoon, I started thinking about getting Kitty to post on Threads instead of Twitter. Mid-afternoon, I finally got around to switching Kitty from posting on Twitter to Threads. The logic behind it is pretty similar, but it's always a bit of a leap adjusting to a new platform.

In the end, I wrapped up my day just before 4pm. I felt quite accomplished, really. Switching neatly between tasks without feeling scattered was my aim today, and I managed it well. The 10-minute breaks every hour worked wonders.

Health-wise, I stuck to the plan and had water and some Pepsi Max. Happy to report no headaches today. So the culprit is definitely the ultra-processed food; I'll cut that out first before tackling the caffeine.

Visiting the estate agent was, as expected, a bit frustrating. The only update I got was to wait for another one next Friday. At least there's a bit more clarity, even if it's annoying.

A few things I'm grateful for today: no headache, a friend's successful house sale, and meaningful chats with good friends.

All in all, it feels like progress. Tomorrow's another day, but for today, I'd say it went pretty well.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on Completing Key Tasks One at a Time

To increase studio organization alongside your creative projects, focus on completing one task at a time today. This approach will help you maintain a clear switch between tasks and potentially reduce the sense of being unfocused.

Action Points

  • Complete the Divider Page for the Journal: This has been on the list for a while and finishing it will give a sense of accomplishment.
  • Plan Next Week with Index Cards: Use a visual approach with index cards to map out tasks for next week, making the transition smoother.
  • Tidy the Studio: Allocate time towards the end of the day to ensure the studio is tidy, aiding in starting next week on a positive note.


"I am capable of managing my tasks efficiently and maintaining a balanced, productive day."

Additional Thoughts

  • Mid-Morning Break: Ensure you have a mid-morning break to grab a water supply and some fruit. Consider apples or a mix of berries, which are easy to consume and energizing.

  • Estate Agent Follow-Up: Despite the anticipated frustration with the estate agents, staying calm and persistent is key. Gathering today's updates will help you remain proactive without adding unnecessary stress.

  • Weekend Projects: If the Threads API integration isn't complete today, consider it a light, enjoyable weekend project. Keep up the good work, Daniel! You're on the right track by structuring your days and breaking tasks into manageable pieces. Your persistence is a strength that will see you through ongoing challenges.

Normal Kitty 😺