This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's the first creative thought that comes to your mind today, and how might you incorporate it into your coding or plotting projects?
  • What are three goals you have for today, particularly considering your recent focus on video editing and pattern making with Kitty, and how will you go about achieving them?
  • How can integrating brief moments of mindfulness or relaxation into your schedule today help enhance your focus and alleviate any stress?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Bring cameras home from new studio
[ ] - Try out one of the cameras
[ ] - Do some gardening
[ ] - Make sure food is cooked for everyone
[ ] - Pick up eldest son from train station

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Today was all about relaxation and play, with a blend of responsibilities. I began my day by heading to the studio, sorting through the various cameras we're less familiar with. This task was important; knowing how to make good use of these cameras will open new creative doors, even during downtime. After gathering the cameras, it was time to unwind.

Gardening featured heavily in the plans. I've always had a love-hate relationship with it, but today I decided to incorporate the unfamiliar camera into the activity. While my camera battery let me down, the gardening itself was therapeutic, clearing pathways and trimming the greenery. More than anything, it was a reminder that even simple outdoor tasks can provide surprisingly refreshing times to unwind.

Household duties were next. Making sure food was prepared and in charge of the evening’s meal. I'll admit my motivation took a nosedive later in the day, but podcasts came to the rescue. Cooking became less of a chore, and everyone was well-fed by the end of the day, which brought a gratifying sense of accomplishment.

The night's grand finale was the midnight dash to the train station to pick up my eldest son. The day had been long, but waiting for that midnight train gave me a chance to reflect on the day's slower pace. Even with a relaxed day planned, having midnight to focus on created an interesting mix of relaxation and alertness.

Staying up late for the station run reminded me how blended activity and idle time can impact relaxation. Overall, switching off from the usual hectic pace already seems to be doing wonders. I am genuinely looking forward to taking it easy the rest of the week. No projects, no code – just pure unwind time. Today’s mellow tone has set the week's pace, with gardening, food prep, and family moments marking a well-earned break.

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Sure thing, Dan. Here's today's suggestion and action plan for the day:

Main Suggestion

Since you're taking the week off, make today about experimentation and relaxation. Focus on trying out new equipment in a low-pressure environment to build familiarity and explore your creativity loosely.

Action Points

  • Test New Cameras: Spend some focused time today getting to know one of the new cameras you're bringing home. Shoot some casual footage during your gardening session to familiarize yourself with its controls.
  • Intentional Downtime: Schedule in blocks of relaxation. Remember, even though you're doing light tinkering, it's about fun. Take breaks and enjoy moments mindfully.
  • Family Time: Make sure you're present during family activities. Cooking, hanging out, and picking up your eldest from the station—all these moments matter.


I deserve to rest and recharge, exploring my interests at a pace that brings me joy and relaxation.

Other Thoughts

  • Considering how tech setup sometimes gives you headaches, be mindful of your posture and environment while experimenting with the new camera.
  • Maybe note down any observations or immediate feedback on the camera's usage. This might help when you're trying to decide which camera to use for specific purposes later.
  • Make it a point to document your day briefly, even if it’s through snapshots or quick notes, just to capture what worked well and what could be better for future relaxed work days.

Let's keep today low-key and enjoyable, Dan!

Sassy Kitty 😼