This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative direction or theme you'd like to explore in your art today, inspired perhaps by recent engagements with your community or family?
  • Considering your recent coding efforts and plotter experiments, what's one specific aspect or skill you would like to refine or expand upon today?
  • How can you incorporate self-care into your busy schedule today to maintain energy and reduce stress, especially considering your active days at the studio?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Create and scale 23 SVG frames for postcards
[ ] - Plot postcards and start creating the flipbook
[ ] - Ensure sufficient postcards ready for plotting
[ ] - Upload new photos to gallery on website
[ ] - Outline the newsletter for next week
[ ] - Work on shop code

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pixel shifting SVG files

Well, Wednesday was quite the rollercoaster. The morning was dedicated to working on pixel shifting code for my animation project. It felt good to dive into the nitty-gritty details, ensuring each frame was generated perfectly. There's something satisfying about seeing the code come together bit by bit, and today was no exception.

Lunch was a nice break, giving me time to recharge and prepare for the afternoon.

The afternoon saw me plotting more postcards. I did learn something new, though—using my fountain pen to plot tiny designs on small postcard-sized paper required a different technique. The lines were too close together, and the ink started chewing up the paper. I had to rework the design to be more spaced out, which fortunately solved the issue. Also, I'm thinking of adding names and edition numbers generated by the handwriting server. It's a small detail but adds a personal touch that I think recipients will appreciate.

In the late afternoon, I shifted focus to the upcoming newsletter. I spent some time outlining next week's edition, which made me realise something crucial. I’d often try to share updates immediately, but I need to embrace the project time-lapse. Documenting thoroughly, taking plenty of progress photos, and only sharing finished work could lead to more structured and polished content. This might be the subject of my next newsletter—how time-shifted projects can actually bring more structure and quality.

Evening reflection brought clarity. The timer schedule worked quite well, especially in the morning. However, I should have reset the timers for the afternoon. My productivity dipped because it took time to get into the flow of shop code, which felt rusty. Anyway, tomorrow will be set aside for admin tasks and pushing forward with the shop code. Also, I think it might be time to contact the estate agent and the buyer to try and finally move things along with selling the old studio. If there’s no progress, I'm contemplating resetting everything with a new agent.

Summing up, today was productive, informative, and filled with small yet important insights. There’s still a long way to go, but one step at a time, right?

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Main Suggestion for Today

Focus on creating the flipbook animation from your pixel shifting project and streamline the process to integrate the handwriting server for naming and edition numbering. This combines creative exploration with community engagement and supports your active coding skills development.

Quick Action Points

  • Code and Plot Animation Frames: Write the code to save each frame of the pixel shift as separate SVG files. Aim to plot these onto postcards, turning them into a flipbook for community engagement.
  • Integrate Handwriting Server: Work on incorporating the handwriting server to automatically generate the name and edition number for each postcard plot, refining your coding techniques.
  • Script Automation for Scaling SVGs: Develop a quick script to automate the resizing of SVG outputs to A6 dimensions for the postcards, ensuring a seamless workflow.


"Your commitment to blending creative exploration with technical skill is inspiring; the community will appreciate the thought and effort put into each piece."

Other Thoughts

  • Balance and Self-Care: Remember to stick to your 50-minute work and 10-minute break routine. Take walks during breaks to maintain energy and reduce stress.
  • Shop Development: This afternoon, prioritize getting the shop code working, essential for future sales.
  • Gallery Updates: Continue uploading your selected photos to keep the gallery current and engaging for your audience.
  • Newsletter Outline: Consider starting the outline for the next week's newsletter to ease the process of content creation and video recording. By combining artistic creation, community engagement, and technical skill enhancement, today’s focus will contribute positively to your overall goals.

Normal Kitty 😺