This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's the first creative thought that comes to your mind today, and how might it shape your activities or projects?
  • How can you incorporate some self-care into your busy schedule today to help manage stress levels and boost productivity?
  • What are three goals you have for today, and how do they align with your ongoing projects or personal aspirations?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Pack and move items from old studio
[ ] - Check in for jury duty at the court
[ ] - Read book during court downtime
[ ] - Write thoughts and notes while at court
[ ] - Prioritize self-care and manage stress

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Monday, and what a day it’s been! Today was my first day of potentially being in court for jury duty, and let's just say, keeping the weeknotes going was a bit of a juggling act. I managed to record a little bit of video for the weeknotes in the morning. By the time I walked back from the courthouse, my brain was frazzled, and I totally forgot to shoot any more. Most of today was spent sitting around and reading my Kindle, so not much productive activity on the creative front.

Speaking of the Kindle, carrying it with me turned out to be a good move. It kept me company during the endless waiting periods at the court. I got lost in a book filled with wizards, warlocks, and werewolves. It's been a while since I read fiction, and it was a nice way to manage stress. Didn’t particularly boost productivity, but hey, it helped keep the anxiety at bay.

Today was all about waiting. First, we got divided into two groups. I escaped being one of the 12 jurors chosen for a particular case and instead was one of the three spares. So I just sat in the waiting room in case one of the main jurors dropped out. After several hours of staring at my Kindle screen, I got sent home mid-afternoon, but I have to go back tomorrow just in case they need me.

The whole jury duty experience felt like a weird deja vu of when I pray not to get picked for a sports game. I felt a bit lucky this time. The charges brought in the case were unpleasant, leaving me rather deflated. The thought of sitting through all the details was not appealing, so escaping that was a weird sort of win.

Back at home, I decided I needed some more distraction. I fired up Diablo and played for a bit. They've just introduced pets, which are always a fun little addition. It was a good way to switch my brain off after the somewhat draining day.

On a positive note, I did manage to pack some stuff earlier this morning and take it to the new studio. Those packaging tubes and heavy boxes have been hanging over me, so it felt good to tick that off, even if it was just a small step.

While today wasn’t particularly productive on the creative front, managing stress with a good book and a bit of gaming helped keep things in balance. The uncertainty of jury duty is still hanging over me, but I’m taking it one day at a time. Tomorrow will bring its own set of challenges and, hopefully, some more small wins.

So here's to another day down and looking forward to whatever comes next. Let's see if I make it through without getting selected for any unpleasant cases. Wish me luck!

💡 💡 💡


Main Suggestion for the Day

Prioritize Self-Care during Court Downtime Given that today is dominated by the uncertainty of jury duty, emphasize self-care during any downtime at court to minimize stress and maintain a positive mindset.

Quick Action Points

  • Take Your Kindle: Use any waiting time at court to dive into some enjoyable reading. This will help keep your mind engaged and reduce stress.
  • Bring a Notebook: Having a notebook handy will allow you to jot down any creative thoughts or project ideas that come to mind during the day.
  • Plan Short, Relaxing Breaks: If selected, make the most of your lunch break by finding a quiet spot for a brief walk or a few deep-breathing exercises to recharge.


You are adaptable and resourceful, and you can make the most out of any situation, keeping your mind and body in balance.

Other Thoughts

Managing your schedule around jury duty is challenging, but using the waiting periods effectively can minimize the disruption to your creative workflow. Remember that today's primary goal is simply to get through the logistics of jury duty. Embrace the uncertainty, and take small steps towards maintaining your well-being and creativity throughout the day.

Encouraging Kitty 😽