This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can continue to progress with the brush height video today, ensuring it feels as fulfilling and productive as the previous sessions?
  • Considering the mental energy needed for both creative thinking and routine chores, how can you balance these today to maintain a high level of overall well-being?
  • What's one creative experiment or small adjustment you can try in your work today that you haven't explored this week?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Edit brush height video
[ ] - Breaks to stay cool and rest
[ ] - Telephone call to Mum
[ ] - Drink water and stay hydrated
[ ] - Prepare for 3 PM meeting

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No journal entry found for this day (yet).

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Certainly! Here's your main suggestion for today along with action points and an affirmation:

Main Suggestion:

Focus on completing the edit of the brush height video first thing after morning admin tasks, ensuring you have a clear, uninterrupted block of time before your upcoming meeting at 3:00 PM.

Action Points:

  • Phone Call: Make your scheduled phone call to your mum to handle any financial support for the studio first thing to get it off your plate.
  • Edits: Dive into editing the brush height video from 10 AM, aiming to get the bulk of it done by 2 PM, allowing for a lunch break.
  • Meeting Prep: Prepare for your 3 PM meeting with any notes or materials needed and ensure your workspace is tidy for virtual interactions.


Remember, it's okay if things don't go exactly as planned. Progress, not perfection, is your aim today. You've got this!

Use the momentum from your recent explorations with the brush height to fuel today's efforts. Balance admin with creativity and hydrate often. The end of the month might be making things hazy, but keep your cool, quite literally. Now go conquer that video!

Sassy Kitty 😼