This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can push your creativity in your current website updates today?
  • How can you incorporate some self-care into your busy schedule today to help manage any discomfort or stress you might be feeling?
  • What's one thing you're looking forward to in your work today, perhaps something that excites you about your recent plot ideas?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Write and send quick newsletter
[ ] - Finalize website CSS and layout design
[ ] - Remove doorbell from old studio
[ ] - Take self-care break for headaches

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Today was a productive Thursday. I finally set myself up nicely with a larger monitor to work on my website. This felt amazing compared to yesterday’s headache-inducing struggle on the laptop screen. I didn’t have to squint at the code or shuffle between split screens, making the whole process much smoother.

My plan was simple: focus on the design work and blast through it without distractions. And that's exactly what I managed to do. The single-task focus worked wonders for my stress management, helping me finish a significant portion of the website updates—much more than I anticipated.

Beyond the productivity, I treated today as an opportunity to learn and adapt. After days of handling various webpage components, I started seeing the design differently. Initially puzzled by some layout components imported from another page, I found clarity today. These challenges turned into learning moments, sharpening my skills with React components. It feels like I’m finally cracking through the concepts, not just coasting.

Another exciting bit was wrapping up the newsletter. Admittedly, it was a quick mix, but it’s satisfying to have it out of the way. Oh, and let’s not forget the screwdriver mission—I retrieved the old doorbell from the former studio. One less thing to worry about. Collecting it felt like closing a chapter after the long, stretched-out sale saga.

The studio sale is on track and should finalize tomorrow. After months of uncertainty and figuring out ways to handle financial concerns, this brings immense relief. The weekend ahead should be different—hopefully free of looming financial stress. So, I’m keen on feeling more creatively inspired and focusing on what’s ahead with a new mindset.

I had a mini epiphany about the tools I’ve swapped over time. Thinking about using Tower again instead of command-line Git felt reassuring. Sometimes, taking a step back helps you appreciate what genuinely works best for your workflow. Maybe it’s time to trust in the easy solution.

Reflecting on everything, the week seems to be wrapping up better than it started—with hope rather than stress. Change feels manageable now, rather than daunting.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on optimizing your work environment to reduce discomfort and increase productivity, especially with the task of updating the website layout. This will help with managing any stress or headaches, facilitating a smoother workflow for achieving today’s goals.

Quick Action Points

  • Utilize the Big Monitor: Set up your workspace with the big monitor to better manage multiple code files and design comparisons. This should help alleviate eye strain and enable more efficient work on the website.
  • Prioritize the Newsletter: Allocate the specified hour this morning to draft and send the newsletter quickly, allowing you to clear this task early and focus more intently on the website updates.
  • Complete the Doorbell Task: Plan a specific time to head to the old studio and retrieve the doorbell. This will mark the final step in the studio transition, offering a sense of closure.

Affirmation: "I am capable of overcoming challenges and finding effective ways to achieve my goals."

Other Thoughts

Considering previous feedback about the headaches and workspace discomfort, it could be worthwhile to explore ergonomic adjustments and take regular breaks to manage stress effectively. As the studio sale nears completion, remember to embrace this transition phase and the newfound ease it aims to bring to your professional and personal life. Balancing self-care with work responsibilities will support long-term well-being.

Normal Kitty 😺