This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative project or hobby you might explore today to enjoy your weekend and refresh your creative energy?
  • How can incorporating a relaxed and unplanned activity into your day help balance the structured demands of your upcoming work week?
  • What's one thing you're looking forward to today that could be a source of joy or relaxation?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Do grocery shopping for the week.
[ ] - Make candles with Nixie.
[ ] - Visit old studio to check status.

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Our Saturday was filled with creativity and a splash of the unexpected. Nixie and I finally pulled out the candle-making kit that's been gathering dust. Most of the morning disappeared like a dream as we scoured through cupboards to find everything.

The candle-making process itself was quite fun. We spent a fair bit of time working out the right amount of scent to add and experimenting with colours. The end result was a rather pleasing candle, which is still setting as I write this. There’s something enjoyable about trying something completely different from what I usually do in the studio.

After wrapping up with the candle-making, I took some time to relax and let the day unfold naturally. I find this approach crucial for balancing out the structured demands of my work week. I had left the day fairly open, aside from the essential trip to get groceries. It was a spontaneous kind of Saturday, which I rarely allow myself.

I spent a bit of time in the old studio later in the day. While it didn't spark any new ideas, it gave me a moment to reflect on my history there. The environment felt nostalgic, yet I am keen to move forward. Being at the old studio made me more appreciative of the growth and transition to my current workspace.

By leaving some unplanned time in my schedule, I feel more relaxed and ready for the busy week ahead. It’s important to unwind and let the mind wander sometimes, something I think I managed well today.

As the day wound down, We cooked dinner while the candle set. It may not be perfect, but it brought a lot of joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Days like today remind me that not every moment needs to be driven by productivity. Sometimes, it’s the aimless, fun activities that recharge our creative energy the most. I’m ending the day feeling content, rejuvenated, and more prepared for the busy week ahead.

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Certainly! Here’s your main suggestion for today along with the action points and affirmation:

Main Suggestion for the Day:

Enjoy the candle making and let it be a refreshing break from your routine! The creative process can boost your energy for the upcoming week.

Action Points:

  • 🛒 Groceries First: Focus on completing your grocery shopping early in the day to ensure you have all the necessities for the week and to free up the rest of your day.

  • 🕯️ Candle Making Setup: Dedicate the afternoon to setting up and enjoying the candle-making activity with Nixie. This will be a fun way to spend quality time and refresh your creative energy.

  • 🏠 Studio Check-in: Later in the evening, take a quick visit to the old studio to ensure everything is in order before wrapping up the day.


“Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence. Today, I embrace it fully and let it rejuvenate my spirit.”

Additional Thoughts:

  • It looks like you're already balancing scheduled and unscheduled activities well today, which is fantastic! 😊
  • Candle making sounds like a wonderful and relaxing way to spend your Saturday, especially with Nixie. It’s also great that you’re open to whatever the day brings after your shopping trip.
  • As always, try to keep the shopping trip efficient to preserve energy for the fun activities you have planned.

Enjoy your relaxing and creative weekend, Dan! 🎨✨

Cheerful Kitty 😸