This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative project you're excited to dive into this upcoming week that can harness your recent explorations in Stripe and web design?
  • How might you infuse some relaxation or different creative methods into your routine today, possibly through reading or other leisure activities?
  • As you consider the logistics of integrating new systems into your shop, what's one new learning or method from your recent work you're eager to apply more broadly in your projects?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Work on pre-seed code for FXHash
[ ] - Push '80s Pop Roxy project forward
[ ] - Finish Stripe tasks in a relaxed manner

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some out of focus red berries from the back garden

Sunday turned out to be quite the switcheroo of a day. I had initially planned to slug through some Stripe integration, but journaling helped me reframe my priorities. I ended up pivoting to the "Preseed" project. Working on that felt pretty satisfying. The main curveball was adapting SVG/plotter code to work with HTML canvas elements, primarily dealing with different colours for shapes and lines. I managed to wrangle the code into shape and got Preseed integrated into the fxhash template. Feeling optimistic that I'll nail the final touches tomorrow.

Earlier in the day, I dabbled in some gardening—pulled up weeds around the foxgloves and teasels. It’s amazing how a little time outdoors can clear the mind. With five hours to kill before starting dinner, I figured focusing on Preseed was a better use of my time. The studio has been a real hodgepodge of tasks lately, and it feels rewarding to tick off something substantial.

The evening was quite relaxing. After cooking and eating dinner, I caught up on some Substack subscriptions. These newsletters are a mixed bag—most aren't to my style—too much thought leadership and not enough down-to-earth discussion. Still, it’s good to see what’s out there and curate the ones that resonate.

Although today's task shuffle seemed unexpected, it highlighted the benefits of journaling. Sometimes taking a step back gives you the clarity to pivot to more meaningful tasks, like tweaking Preseed, which isn’t just another item on my to-do list but could potentially bring in some money.

As for tomorrow, I plan to dive straight back into Preseed for the morning, polish off the outputs, and get things packaged for release on Thursday. Making a quick video about it could be on the books for Tuesday—depends on how the next few days pan out.

Reflecting on this, I'm quite chuffed with how things have gone. The ability to reprioritise effectively is something I'm learning to value more. Journaling sessions really have proven to be more beneficial than just a morning ritual—they’re becoming an essential part of my workflow. Off now to wind down for the evening.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on the Preseed project code today rather than Stripe.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Polish Preseed Project Code: Spend significant time today improving and finalizing the code for the Preseed project to ensure it is ready for launch.
  • Marketing Material: Prepare photos and videos to promote the Preseed project leading up to its release on Monday.
  • Plan Upload & Launch: Strategize the upload to FXHash and coordinate the project's public launch, aiming to go live by Thursday.


"Every small step I take brings me closer to financial stability and creative fulfillment."

Additional Thoughts

Today's suggestion stems from Dan's morning reflections on wanting to pivot from working on Stripe integration to focusing on launching Preseed, which offers an opportunity to generate some immediate income. Balancing out this with other ongoing projects, such as the Stripe integration and shop design, can wait for now. Remember to maintain relaxation throughout the weekend, given it’s a day designated for downtime. Enjoy the gardening or cooking time set aside for later!

Let's make the most of today while ensuring you have ample time to recharge and embrace creativity.

Encouraging Kitty 😽