This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can push your creativity today, possibly making progress on the pen plotting tutorials or other current projects?
  • Considering recent challenges, what's one thing you could do today that would make you feel more fulfilled or in control?
  • Is there a particular theme or emotion you want to explore in your art today, perhaps as a way to channel your current feelings?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Send emails
[ ] - Make page divider video
[ ] - Tidy up the studio
[ ] - Plan weekly work schedule
[ ] - Zoom call at 3pm

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Today, Wednesday, zero creativity. Instead, I’m setting things in motion for future projects. I’m aligning my focus on the tutorials, zine work, and a rotating third slot for project-based tasks. The challenge is working out my daily splits: video shooting is best done early in the quiet morning, but that clashes with my gym time. Quiet work first, gym mid-morning, followed by focused work - that might be the way forward.

The estate agents have been a considerable frustration lately. I’ve been adopting the “squeaky wheel gets the grease” approach, making daily visits and keeping up with emails to the solicitor. While it’s tiring, it’s vital to keep the pressure on. Passive waiting isn’t an option when clarity is needed.

My theme for the day is Zen-like calm. The studio has seen better days; it’s cluttered and in need of reorganisation. A tidy space fosters a clear mind. I started by sending out a few emails, then moved on to tidying the studio. That involved shooting a little video about making a page divider for September. There’s satisfaction in crafting, and it’s always good fun. The session was interrupted by the need to clear more space, getting the studio ready for a planning session.

This afternoon was more structured. Tidying continued, bringing more order to the space. A fresh start is what I’m aiming for. My Zoom call at 3 pm was a significant punctuation mark for the day - lots of decisions and finalisations happened then, which shapes the days to come.

Reflecting on the day, my planning was thought but not as exhaustive on paper. Studio tidying will overflow into tomorrow along with further planning. On a positive note, the physical work improved my mood. Zen-like calm did find a way in through the clutter, and a clear pathway seems visible now.

I’m finding being proactive with the estate agents effective. It’s frustrating when they’re opaque, but pushing for answers and even requesting email logs keeps them on their toes. The hope is they resolve things quicker to get me off their backs, which feels like effective progress.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on Planning, Organizing, and Preparation Given today’s emphasis on a non-creative day aimed at planning, tidying, and preparing, the main suggestion is to fully dedicate the day to organizing both your physical and mental workspace. This will set a solid foundation for future creative efforts and reduce ongoing stress from a cluttered environment.

Quick Action Points

  1. Email Correspondence: Send the necessary emails first thing. This immediate completion will free up mental space for the rest of the day's tasks.
  2. Studio Organization: Spend dedicated time tidying up the studio space, aiming for a clean and organized workplace which will help foster future creativity.
  3. Video Shooting and Planning: After organizing, shoot the video for the September journal page divider and then use the remainder of the day to plan out a detailed schedule that balances gym sessions and quiet time effectively.


“I am in control of my environment and my time, and by organizing and planning today, I pave the way for future creative success.”

Additional Thoughts

Today's focus on planning and organization draws from recent days where external stresses and disorganized spaces have impacted your productivity and mood. By tackling the studio's physical clutter and setting a structured plan for upcoming projects, you'll alleviate some of the anxiety associated with the ongoing estate agent issues. Remember that taking control of what you can will help you navigate the uncontrollable aspects more calmly. Embrace the clarity and calm that comes from an organized space and a well-laid plan. This will make your creative days more productive and enjoyable.

Feel free to let me know if there's anything else you need help with!

Normal Kitty 😺