This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one small goal you want to achieve by the end of today that will help you feel particularly productive or satisfied?
  • How can you integrate some of the organizational successes from yesterday into today’s tasks to enhance your workflow and creative output?
  • Considering the steady progress with the Preseed video and newsletter preparations, is there a segment of today's work where you foresee needing a creative push or a different approach?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Record the newsletter audio and video
[ ] - Move more stuff from old studio to tip
[ ] - Send off the birthday card
[ ] - Edit the newsletter audio and video
[ ] - Launch the Preseed project at 4 PM

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Today was surprisingly productive, and I'm rather chuffed about it. Started the day with some calm morning admin, catching up on YouTube comments, newsletters, and emails while listening to music. It's quite a nice way to ease into the day.

I had a clear goal in mind: get that birthday card sent off. It's been tripping me up every time, but I managed to post it today. Real progress there. Talk about feeling efficient!

As the morning continued, I recorded the newsletter audio. Had planned to do it Wednesday, but I was ahead of schedule. Got it done in one go, so I'm pretty pleased with that. Editing will take a bit of time, but nothing too daunting.

Also moved some things from the old studio to the tip. One step closer to clearing it out completely. A bit of a repetitive task, but it's good to see progress. My to-do list is starting to look less daunting.

In the afternoon, I focused on Preseed. Usually, I do launches at 7:30 PM, but I decided to push it earlier to avoid after-hours work at home. Managed to get everything prepared and scheduled for a 4 PM launch from the studio. This way, I could disconnect and not drag work into my evening. Felt like a good move overall.

What surprised me was how easy everything seemed. Maybe because I’ve put in the work upfront. A bit of a relief there. My evening turned out to be pretty relaxed. No headaches tonight, which I credit to avoiding the laptop post-work hours.

The balance today felt just right. Got a good mix of creative work and personal tasks done. Also, a fair amount of time to react to unexpected items without feeling rushed or stressed. Feels like a win.

I think that’s all for today. Overall, a day that brought a lot more calm and satisfaction than I’m used to.

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Sure thing, Daniel! Here we go:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on streamlining the workflow for sending off the birthday card and aim to launch the Preseed project at 4 PM while in the studio. This allows you to keep the evening free and ensure a smooth transition to keeping work within studio hours.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Record the newsletter audio and video: Allocate time this morning and use the head start from yesterday to get it done efficiently.
  • Move items from the old studio and handle the birthday card process: Identify why it’s tripping you up and define a clear and simple workflow that can be reused.
  • Prepare for the Preseed launch: Ensure all materials are ready and test the workflow for launching at 4 PM in the studio to avoid taking your laptop home.


You've got this, Daniel! Keeping the momentum and adjusting workflows will help you make the most of your day and keep your creativity flowing.

Other Thoughts

Considering your reflections from this week, it seems you've found a good balance between administrative and creative tasks. Leveraging the confidence from these small wins will help build towards larger accomplishments. Moving work strictly within the studio is a bold and positive step for maintaining work-life balance—let's see it through!

Feel free to adjust if you need any help further refining your tasks, or just a little extra boost of motivation.

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻