This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you can do today to make your workspace more inspiring or conducive to creativity?
  • Is there a particular theme or emotion you want to explore in your art today?
  • How can you make today better than yesterday in managing your video projects efficiently?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Visit bank in Birmingham
[ ] - Shoot quarter notes video
[ ] - Edit and upload quarter notes video
[ ] - Tidy up studio end of the day

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Today was a whirlwind, and that’s putting it mildly. My day started on a train to Birmingham for bank errands. The bank there is much easier to access than the one in Wolverhampton. The whole trip, including transit, took until lunchtime. Sitting on the train was relaxing, tuned into a podcast, and away from the usual hustle.

When I got back to the studio, I knew I was behind schedule. The afternoon was essentially reserved for shooting and editing the #Quarternotes video. I ended up rushing it, but done is better than perfect sometimes. However, I’m committed to giving future #Quarternotes the time and gravitas they deserve. Perhaps breaking the task throughout the week could help.

Video editing went faster than expected today. I figured starting with scripting and recording in the morning, then moving to editing in the afternoon works well for me. With the bank trip slicing through my day, I mostly did the editing in the afternoon. Managed to upload the video around 2:30 pm, then had some chill time at 3:18 pm.

At the day's end, I tidied the workspace. It's been one of those chaotic, busy days where tidying up feels like an achievement. I'm eager to sort the prints brought over from the old studio fully. The ultimate goal is to get plan chests once the old studio sells, which should offer ample storage for all these prints, keeping them safe from dust.

Reflecting on today’s hurried schedule, I realise it limited my creative process. But, I navigated the constraints effectively, ensuring key tasks were completed. Hoped to evaluate things without frustration or blame, just moving forward with adjusted plans.

Wrapping up the day, I realised knowing that I have another trip to Birmingham coming up should signal better organisation next time. So, I’ll work on integrating travel plans seamlessly into the workflow, ensuring better preparation.

Finished the day with another podcast in ear and thoughts on better structuring #Quarternotes videos going forward. It’s clear a more deliberate approach is needed, but I’m positive about the lessons from today.

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Main Suggestion for Today

Focus on structuring your video projects for maximum efficiency, particularly since video creation and editing are recurring tasks demanding a substantial part of your time.

Quick Action Points

  • Streamline the Quarter Notes Video:

  • Aim for a concise script and shot list to optimize recording and editing. Allocate specific times for each task to ensure you remain on schedule given your trip to Birmingham.

  • Organize the Workspace:

  • Utilize the downtime from your train travel to mentally plan the studio layout and inventory for increased efficiency upon your return.

  • Prepare for Video Edits in Advance:

  • Given the time constraints today and the ongoing challenges with video consistency, use your train journey to plan your edits meticulously and create placeholders for graphics and video transitions.


You have all the skills and tools required to navigate today's challenges efficiently and creatively. Each step forward is progress.

Other Thoughts

Today's mix of off-site tasks and pressing video work highlights the importance of balancing detailed planning with adaptive execution. Continue to refine your video process as a repetitive task while ensuring each project, like the Quarter Notes, reflects your creativity and strategic thinking. Your focus today on these adjustments will set a solid foundation for future video projects and overall studio efficiency.

Normal Kitty 😺