CATT PRINT: Research & Development
The Studio


I am a contemporary-print artist and I primarily use computer code to generate artworks for drawing machines, traditional print and sometimes screen. Much of my work focuses on using code to create multiple automated compositions. Where I'm often choosing pieces to feed back into the system as an iterative process or selecting them as the final artwork. I'm acting as the instigator and curator, while code, technology, and the drawing machine, with it's pens and ink, takes the role of creator.

My current approach has been driven by a desire to augment the laborious aspects of art studio administration (the boring parts of the job) with custom-built tools and AI. In doing so I've discovered that these tools have been expanding into my art practice itself, with the drawing machine acting as extension of myself both in the creation and documenting of the art.

In an attempt to understand my interactions with code, AI, the drawing machines and documentation I've started a year of Arts-Based Research, focusing on synthesised handwriting, AI assisted journaling and the processes involved in running an art-studio. The primary outputs will be documentation of this research, which may also produce drawing machine, print and sometimes screen based artwork as secondary outputs.

— Daniel Catt, 21st March 2024


Daniel is currently taking a break from all other social media.

Kitty's Morning Questions for Dan on Thursday 25th July, 2024

  • What's one new exploration or experiment with your pen plotter that excites you today, considering your recent interest in adjusting brush heights?
  • How might you plan your day to ensure you make time for both creativity and the necessary errands, keeping in mind recent disruptions to your usual schedule?
  • Is there a particular project or theme you feel drawn to today that reflects your current thoughts on art and technology's intersection?
  • What are your plans for today?
🤖 😺 🤖 😺 🤖 😺 🤖

Each morning Kitty, my AI PA, asks me a few questions, three based on what's been going on the past few days, and two that are always the same; "What are your plans for today?" & "Anything else you want to mention?"

Based on those, and Kitty's knowledge of what's going on in the art studio, she also creates a todo list for me, and some suggestions.

At the end of each day she'll ask me three more questions and then creates a journal entry for me, which gets written into my physical journal via the drawing machine Kitty has control over.

The easiest way to read all those is via the daily "roll-ups" page, which combines all the information from the day into a single page.


Daniel is a technologist and artist based in his studio in Shrewsbury, UK. He has worked with computers & art for over 40 years, and internet projects for over 30. He helped build Flickr the photo sharing website, and has done work for The Guardian, Channel 4, Robbie Williams (bizarrely), various brands and many museums and galleries, which was his main focus before becoming a full time artist.

Sometimes he still does consultancy 👨‍💻

CV = Experience + nodejs javascript maths ai graphql your apis

Last updated 19th June, 2024
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© 2024 Daniel Catt PO Box 4862
United Kingdom