This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What is one thing you would like to learn or improve in your art today?
  • Are there any challenges or obstacles you anticipate in your work today? How might you navigate them?
  • What are three goals you have for today, and how do they contribute to your overall projects or objectives?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Write a thank you card
[ ] - Edit Mon-Tue #weeknotes video
[ ] - Record today's #weeknotes
[ ] - Book car park for tomorrow
[ ] - Prepare draft script for video tutorials
[ ] - Ensure regular breaks, avoid eye strain

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Today was all about trying to focus while dealing with a headache and managing a shorter workday. I started the morning feeling optimistic, even with the looming hospital appointment. My main task was context switching effectively without wasting too much time. I struggle with moving from one task to another without taking unnecessary breaks. I guess it's a habit I need to break.

First up, I plotted a thank-you postcard and then moved on to creating some art for a friend. I enjoy these smaller, personal projects as they reconnect me with the joy of making art. By mid-morning, I was working on a birthday card. It's always nice to make something that will mean a lot to someone.

By midday, I switched gears and tackled some admin work, including writing invoices. Not the most thrilling part of the day, but necessary. After lunch, around 12:30, I took a bit of time to relax and eat something simple, chicken soup, which I always find oddly comforting.

Because of the hospital visit, I had to cut my workday short. This made me focus on sticking to the planned breaks and pacing myself to avoid worsening my headache.

During the day, I realized I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. The small headache that was brewing in the morning didn't fully manifest, so that's a win. However, it was clear that I needed a slower day.

As I wrapped things up, I reflected on the most fulfilling parts of my tasks today. I particularly enjoyed getting the cards written and sent out. That felt satisfying. The challenge of balancing work and self-care was noticeable today, but I managed to keep the headache at bay by taking breaks as planned.

For tomorrow, I need Kitty to write a thank-you card and book the car park for my youngest's maths exam in Coventry. There's also more #Weeknotes video editing to be done. The aim is to try and keep on top of things while managing the shorter days here and there.

Heading into the evening, I took some time to just chill, soaking in the quiet end of the day. While I didn't shoot or edit much video for #Weeknotes today, the invoices were sent out, which was much needed. Tomorrow, I hope to catch up on what I missed today and continue balancing my tasks better.

So that's where I am, ending the day with a sense of acceptance that not every day will be as productive as planned. All in all, it felt like a day of small victories despite the interruptions and shorter work hours. I managed to avoid making the headache worse and got some vital tasks done. Here's to hoping tomorrow brings a smoother workflow and less need for breaks.

The reflection and goal-setting helped me stay on track even though the day's pace felt off. Self-care, scheduling, and admin - none of it glamorous but all of it part of keeping the studio and my sanity running smoothly.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on Task Switching Efficiency: Given your response to Q1 in today's morning Q&A about improving your ability to switch contexts quickly between tasks, today's main focus should be on enhancing this skill. This will help you maximize productivity, especially given your time constraints today with your early finish for the hospital appointment.

Quick Action Points

  • Utilize Scheduled Breaks: Stick to your scheduled breaks to avoid straining your eyes and manage your brewing headache. Breaks have been outlined as crucial in multiple Q&As, including today's.
  • Complete #Weeknotes Tasks: Edit Monday and Tuesday's #weeknotes video, record today's segment, and ensure these are aligned with your goals, as mentioned in Q3 and Q4.
  • Delegate and Automate: Delegate the thank you card writing task to Kitty immediately and book the car park for tomorrow. Administrative tasks, such as these, are essential to handle early to avoid distractions and bottlenecks later in the day.


You have the power to efficiently switch between tasks and accomplish all your goals today. Your structured breaks and focused efforts will guide you through.

Other Thoughts

Consistency in task switching requires practice. Today's approach will help you build that habit. Using a structured break routine, as you have previously mentioned, supports both productivity and self-care. Implementing this consistently today will serve you well, especially with the constraints and challenges outlined in your Q&As over the past week.

You can do this, Daniel! 🎨🖊️

Normal Kitty 😺