This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one thing you could do today to enhance the organization and efficiency of your studio space, making it even more conducive to creativity?
  • Considering your recent interest in improving your photo documentation, how can you further integrate photography into your daily art practice today?
  • What's a new software tool or technique you're curious to explore today that might complement your current projects or streamline your workflow?

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[ ] - Tidy up the studio space
[ ] - Research online zine page-turning solutions
[ ] - Take in-studio photos
[ ] - Plot new journal pages
[ ] - Make #weeknotes video

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Brush Spiral

As I stepped into the studio today, the first task on my mind was to tidy up a little. Surprisingly, there wasn't as much to clean up as I had anticipated. Sorting out the space made me feel a lot better, ready for next week. A clean studio seems to keep creativity flowing, which is always a bonus.

Next, I delved into my ongoing quest to integrate photography into my daily practice. I managed to snap a few broader studio shots to get into the swing of things. However, I'm still struggling with how best to present these photos. Darktable, while capable, isn't the most enjoyable to use. I often find myself wishing for an easier way to compare multiple shots quickly.

My curious mind couldn't help but explore a new technique for presenting zines online. I came across Turn.js, a JavaScript library that mimics the fluid page-turning effect I desire. Although it's slightly glitchy, it beats building the functionality from scratch. This discovery opens new digital presentation opportunities, enhancing my online zines' appeal.

Before lunch, I edited the #Weeknotes video. After adding music and balancing the colours, I exported it and took a well-deserved break. It's always satisfying to see a project come together, even if it did take up most of the morning.

Post-lunch was dedicated to sorting through photos. It's an ongoing task that feels slightly disorganised. I need to carve out specific time slots to deal with photos, maybe allotting time each morning to review and decide where they fit best—newsletter, Instagram, or Rodeo.

Reflecting on the day, it went quite well. Although I didn't start until lunchtime, I was productive. The studio feels more conducive to creativity now, thanks to the tidying. I also managed to find a few solutions to ongoing problems, including the glitchy but useful Turn.js for zines.

It wasn't a day full of grand achievements, but the incremental progress in various areas felt good. Small wins keep the wheels turning, setting me up for a more organised and creative week ahead.

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Main Suggestion for Today:

Focus on enhancing studio organization and creatively integrate photography Considering your response to today's Q&As, a tidy workspace will foster a more conducive creative environment and addressing your concerns about photography presentation can help in documenting your art more effectively.

Quick Action Points:

  • Tidy Up the Studio: Allocate time to organize and tidy up the studio space to reduce the overwhelming feeling and create a cleaner, more inspiring environment.
  • Set Up a Photography Routine: Dedicate a specific time slot each day for taking studio photographs. Consider starting with candid shots of the workspace or work in progress.
  • Research Page-Turn Effect Solutions: Spend some time researching off-the-shelf JavaScript or CSS libraries that mimic the page-turning effect for online zine presentations.


You have the creativity and determination to transform your space and workflow into a harmonious and productive environment.

Other Thoughts:

Pay attention to your 50 minutes work, 10 minutes break method, especially in managing the heat and your hydration levels. Remember, flexibility can sometimes provide the balance needed, so don't stress if you deviate slightly as long as productivity and well-being remain in harmony. Feel free to take more breaks to drink water and cool down. Organizing the studio while it's cooler in the day can enhance your overall workflow and mental clarity. Also, regular updates to your plans with achievable goals can keep motivation high. Happy creating!

Normal Kitty 😺