This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How can you incorporate the theme of slow computing into a weekend activity that's relaxing yet creatively fulfilling?
  • What new elements or techniques could you explore in your art today to keep it engaging and different from your usual routine?
  • Considering yesterday's reflections, how might you use today's activities to further develop ideas about documenting creative processes, perhaps through a different medium?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Shop for supplies and stationery
[ ] - Enjoy some leisure reading

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Today was a rather chilled Saturday. I consciously decided to embrace the theme of slow computing by actually avoiding the computer for the most part. Funny how avoiding tech feels like the best way to engage with slow computing, but it worked. I found it quite relaxing to let the computer hum along in the background while I dabbled in other things. That lingering sense of productivity, thanks to the background tasks, allowed me to enjoy the day without feeling completely idle.

Shopping was necessary, although far from thrilling. Wandering down aisles and ticking items off my list felt more like a chore than an adventure. On the bright side, it meant I didn't have to think about groceries for the rest of the week. The main highlight of the day, however, was reading. I found myself completely immersed in a good book, which was a refreshing escape. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about a day spent reading, where time seems to stretch in every direction, giving you ample space to relax your mind.

Doodling filled some of the gaps today as well. It's fair to say I'm still not satisfied with my progress. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps an iPad might offer some solutions. The ability to sketch out ideas digitally, with a bit more control, might help bridge the gap between traditional doodling and more polished concepts. Maybe that's something to explore further next week.

Throughout the day, I reflected a bit on my current documentation practices. Everything seems on track until I can finally get a printer, which will truly enable a more thorough approach to the zine projects. For now, it's about embedding those habits, becoming more methodical and habitual in my documentation. Once things become second nature, I feel introducing more elements like photography will naturally slot into place.

The day overall was delightfully uneventful. Sometimes, a day where not much happens is exactly what I need. It gave me the chance to recharge, relax, and mentally prepare for the more hectic days that will undoubtedly follow. It's these undisturbed pockets of time that allow for genuine relaxation, and today was precisely that.

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Suggestion for the Day

Main Suggestion: Embrace the opportunity to engage in offline, tactile activities to foster creativity and relaxation while maintaining minimal interaction with digital tools.

Quick Action Points:

  • Doodle and Sketch: Spend time simply doodling or sketching, letting your mind wander without focusing on any specific project.
  • Read a Book: Relax with a good book, whether a physical one or on your Kindle, to unwind and gain new perspectives for upcoming projects.
  • Enjoy Outdoor Time: If possible, take a walk or sit outside to connect with nature and rejuvenate your mind.


"Today, I honor my need for creative relaxation and trust that this time away from screens will enrich my art and well-being."

Other Thoughts

Considering the ongoing theme of "slow computing" and generative art, allowing your computer to run tasks in the background while you engage in offline activities could yield fresh insights. Additionally, continuing to avoid the computer today aligns well with your morning reflection on minimizing digital engagement to promote relaxation. Take this weekend to rejuvenate so you can start the new week with a clear and focused mind.

Normal Kitty 😺