This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative thought that comes to your mind today that you're excited to explore through your pen plotting?
  • Considering your recent experiments with SVG files and pixel shifting, what's one thing you could learn or improve in your technique today?
  • Is there a particular project or theme you’re eager to continue working on today that brings you joy or satisfaction?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Upload new photos to gallery
[ ] - Edit Weeknotes video, first pass
[ ] - Test and integrate Clipper JS library
[ ] - Finish edit and export Weeknotes video

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pixel shifting experiment

Feeling like my day was off to a slow start, I put on some music to help kick things off. After a bit of social media browsing, I finally started getting into the day's activities.

First on my list was plotting out the overdue journal pages and updating the gallery on my website with some of the latest works. Editing the weeknotes video was next, which took a fair chunk of time. Once that was exporting, I decided to take a quick trip to town to check in with the estate agent.

Coming back, I took a lunch break before diving into some coding work. Specifically, I wanted to experiment with Clipper JS for my pixel-shifting SVGs. This task consumed most of my afternoon.

Reflecting on my progress with Clipper JS, I'm pleased to report that it’s working well and is impressively fast. It allows for real-time previews and exporting of SVGs and PNGs, significantly streamlining my workflow.

While the estate agent trip didn't yield any new updates, the walk was a good break. I've been promised an update on Monday, which keeps me hopeful about some progress soon.

Editing the weeknotes video was smoother than usual. By lunchtime, I had already exported it, freeing up my afternoon for code work. This efficiency allowed me to integrate the Clipper JS library for pixel-shifting SVGs, which I was particularly excited about.

There wasn’t much else left to do except wrap up the day's projects and contemplate this week’s tasks.

In the end, today was constructive. Between the morning logistics and the afternoon coding, I feel I accomplished a lot. Now, it’s time to wind down and relax over the weekend.

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Sure, here’s a suggestion tailored for today based on the provided Q&As, formatted in Markdown:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on rewriting and testing your code with Clipper JS and ensure that it enhances your pixel shifting experiments.

Action Points

  • Edit and Export the Week Notes Video: Prioritize completing the video editing and exporting so that you can share your creative progress and insights for the week.

  • Upload More Photos to Your Gallery: Continue adding photos to your gallery, including the ones from the recent experiments, to visually document your progress. Consider uploading work-in-progress photos to show the evolution of your projects.

  • Start Integrating Clipper JS: Begin by isolating the specific functionalities you need within your current code and integrate Clipper JS to see if it yields faster and more accurate results. Set aside a couple of hours for this task.


You’re making real progress every day, and your dedication to refining your creative process will lead to even greater results.

Other Thoughts

  • Health Management: Given your experience with cluster headaches, continue to monitor your triggers and take necessary precautions with dietary choices and stress management to maintain your productivity.
  • Balancing Admin and Creative Work: It’s clear that you have a lot on your plate with both administrative tasks and creative projects. Consider implementing a more structured schedule where mornings can be reserved for creative work and afternoons for admin tasks to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Regular Health Check-Ins: Given how a lack of sleep and headaches can affect your productivity, it's beneficial to have regular health check-ins to adjust your workload accordingly.

Normal Kitty 😺