This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new technique or concept you would like to explore in your pen plotting work today that could potentially enhance your creative projects?
  • How can recent successes with the pen plotter and other creative endeavors motivate and guide your activities today?
  • Is there a particular aspect of your art or workflow you're curious about improving today, and how might you approach making those enhancements?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Work on brush height technique
[ ] - Record video for week notes
[ ] - Visit estate agents
[ ] - Prepare brush height info for newsletter
[ ] - Write newsletter

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Today was quite a productive day, and honestly, a bit of a nice surprise. I started the morning exploring more ways to set the height of the brush on the pen plotter. I sketched out multiple approaches and then moved to coding. It's thrilling to see the machine respond to the adjustments and create lines of varying thickness. The handwriting test was particularly satisfying. Combining this with brush height has opened new possibilities for future projects. Made some real progress there.

Mid-morning, I took a break and went to the estate agents for a quick hassle session. I still do not have final confirmation regarding the studio sale and it's dragging on a bit. The lack of closure means I haven't been able to completely focus on the new studio setup. But I'm optimistic things will sort out soon. Hopefully, the estate agents push this forward.

Back at the studio post-lunch, I got into the groove of finishing the newsletter. The goal was to include the updates about the brush height tests. There's something satisfying about packaging up the week's work and letting everyone know the progress made. By the time that was done, the clock showed it was already late afternoon. Time flies when you're in a productive zone.

I also managed to carve out time to make a short video about the brush height experiment for the #weeknotes video. It’s not the primary brush height video I plan to make, but it’s a good start to get my thoughts organised. The outline I wrote will help shape the full video when I come back to it.

The day's wrap-up felt good, knowing I delivered on key goals and got some things moving with the estate agents. All in all, things are looking up. Oh, and I had a thought - once the studio situation stabilises, it might be good to revisit planning out a new batch of short videos about these experiments. Maybe I can put those ideas Kitty generates to good use.

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Sure! Here is the output in markdown format:

Main Suggestion for the Day:

Focus on Exploring Brush Height Techniques with the Pen Plotter

Given your interest in setting the height of the servo on the pen plotter to create varying line thicknesses and the plan to capture related video content, today's main focus should be on perfecting this technique.

Quick Action Points:

  • Morning: Complete an initial test run adjusting the brush height dynamically, documenting settings and rules that yield the best results.
  • Early Afternoon: Visit the estate agents post-lunch to follow up on the ongoing studio sale situation.
  • Late Afternoon: Dedicate time to draft and incorporate findings on brush height into the newsletter, aiming to record a segment for the weeknotes video if possible.


"I am creative and adaptable, finding joy in both experimentation and execution. My work today builds towards exciting new possibilities."

Other Thoughts:

Given the backlog and uncertainty with the studio sale and having to manage tasks outside of the studio, it might help to lean into the flexibility you’ve found rewarding. Prioritizing creative exploration and allowing some administrative tasks to filter into their natural slots can yield productivity without stress. Remember to keep your workspace organized to maintain creative flow and minimize distractions. Finally, don’t forget to take short breaks to avoid burnout and keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Let's make today creatively productive, Daniel!

Normal Kitty 😺