This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new exploration or experiment with your pen plotter that excites you today, considering your recent interest in adjusting brush heights?
  • How might you plan your day to ensure you make time for both creativity and the necessary errands, keeping in mind recent disruptions to your usual schedule?
  • Is there a particular project or theme you feel drawn to today that reflects your current thoughts on art and technology's intersection?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Check newsletter links
[ ] - Update YouTube video description
[ ] - Call Terrence the buyer
[ ] - Outline script for brush height video
[ ] - Update code for brushless servo
[ ] - Prepare for 3 PM meeting

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Thursday started early with a bit of inspiration from some zine-making videos at 7:20. Got to admit, those are quite mesmerising. The morning kicked off productively as I made sure the newsletter and the YouTube videos were all linked correctly and scheduled for 7:30 pm. Experimented a bit by making the newsletter video live for members early—an experiment, but why not?

The late start threw me off a bit, thanks to my ongoing old studio clean-out. I spent some time today outlining the script for the brush height video. Using my trusty index cards, I mapped out the whole thing, keeping it simple and chronological. That means I’m just capturing the pen going up and down, but hey, it feels like a mini-adventure. Note to self: lots of screen recording will be needed for the edit—not my favourite part, but necessary.

Lunchtime came around, and I grabbed a bite before diving into more plotting lessons. I managed to get the script outlined, although I didn't get around to the actual experiment with the new plotter today. Tomorrow’s another day, though, right? Funny thing is, I had this one brilliant idea that popped up while outlining, but it vanished faster than a sneeze in a hurricane. Hopefully, it’ll come back to me when I get to that part in the script.

On the mundane side, I tackled finalising the newsletter and making the dreaded phone call to my buyer. Not a fan of phone calls, but got it done. The newsletter should go out later tonight, fingers crossed the links work. Trying to ignore those invasive stats that Substack throws at you—let's see if the video actually goes live.

The Zoom call at 3 pm chopped my creative window short by two hours, but the script was a good win. All in all, a day of prepping and organising, with a dash of creativity mixed in. Felt good getting the wheels turning for the video, and I'm excited about making the actual content tomorrow. That’s the plan, at least. Let’s see if I can follow through.

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Sure thing, Daniel! Here's your structured main suggestion for the day, along with three action bullet points, an affirmation, and my additional thoughts:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Outline and script your brush height experiment video before filming. This will help ensure the video is well-structured and prevent you from diving in without a clear plan, which you've identified as a potential risk.

Quick Action Points

  • Create a Detailed Outline: Start with a clear structure for the video, highlighting key sections like introduction, objectives, experiment steps, and conclusion.
  • Draft a Script or Shot List: Write out your main talking points or actions to ensure you cover everything you want to, and plan your shots for efficiency.
  • Check and Test Equipment: Ensure the new brushless servo and other equipment are set up and functioning correctly before recording.


You are both creative and methodical, balancing artistry with precision to bring your visions to life.

Additional Thoughts

You have a busy day ahead with your 3:00 PM meeting and necessary phone calls, so try to get your creative work done in the morning. Remember to check and finalize the newsletter content before the 7:30 PM roll-out. Keep your workspace organized and inspiring to maintain your creative energy. Good luck! If you need any help organizing your tasks further or adjusting your schedule, I'm here to assist!

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻