This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What leisure activity today would best complement the creative momentum you've been building, particularly with regards to your interest in zines and physical publications?
  • As you reflect on simplifying your digital footprint, how might you apply the concept of minimalism to other parts of your life or your creative process today?
  • With your recent focus on gaming for relaxation, what's another activity you feel could similarly help decompress and inspire your creativity for the upcoming week?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Mow the lawn
[ ] - Make handwriting SVG output smaller
[ ] - Update morning questions webpage
[ ] - Create page for rolled-up website content
[ ] - Think about zine publications

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Sunday was a bit of a whirlwind, as always seems to be the case on weekends. My day kicked off with the plan to make some headway on a few more immediate tasks focused on moving stuff from the old studio to the new studio.

I started the morning at the old studio, just after 11:00, sorting out some stuff and thinking about how to integrate online AI journaling features more effectively. Sorting through the old studio is a task I find both tedious and therapeutic. On the one hand, it's physically exhausting and mentally draining; on the other, it provides a great avenue for some deep thinking about how I want my workflow and space to be organised in the new studio.

I had this idea to include AI journaling features on my website, showcasing all morning questions, to-do list suggestions, and journal entries on the 'Kitty' page. It feels like a natural extension of what I've been doing anyway and might aid in streamlining my mental space for more creative endeavours like plotting artworks with the drawing machine.

By the afternoon, around 17:45, I switched gears to tackle some coding. The task was to improve the spacing of the points along the lines in the handwriting SVGs. This has been a recurring task, but it's rewarding when it works well. The challenge is ever-present, but it always feels like such an accomplishment when you resolve it. I found that I could dramatically reduce the number of points, which also decreases the file size. It’s small victories like these that make coding as satisfying as any completed art piece.

Some thoughts drifted towards my ongoing FALLiNGWATER zine project. While I didn't manage to do much planning, scribbling down intentions in my notes felt like a good start. Knowing I've recorded my goal makes it easier to mentally mull it over in my downtime. I can't wait to get into the specifics, like talking to Laura about her successful Obey Robots book and seeing if there are local printers that can handle a short run of colourful, engaging publications focusing on my projects.

These days are also sprinkled with personal musings about simplifying life. The old studio task aligns with this idea of minimalism; decluttering and better storage solutions seem to offer an achievable route to that end. Architect drawers to store paper and prints are at the top of the list now. Thinking about more equipment for bookbinding is in the mix too, especially a guillotine. While it’s not exactly minimalist to gather more tools, these would streamline and better organise my processes.

I wrapped up my day reflecting on the journey ahead. I still feel the weight of the old studio sale, a process fraught with delays. Stoicism seems to be my mental anchor these days—focus on what I can affect moving forward. I decided to take early morning trips to move items bit by bit, a manageable tactic that aligns well with my newfound enjoyment of early mornings. It's kind of ironic that, despite the turmoil of the old studio, these small meditative actions are keeping my spirits up.

A productive yet balanced day, filled with moments of creating order out of chaos and progressive coding challenges. Keeping an eye on the long term while handling immediate needs—such is the life of an artist balancing art and admin.

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Sure, here's a structured suggestion for your day based on the recent Q&As and ongoing themes:

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on creating the initial draft for your "Dots" zine. This will not only align with your current interest in physical publications but also serve as a tangible, small-scale project that can be completed and built upon in the future. Allocating time towards this creative and productive task can help alleviate some of the stress you've been experiencing with the old studio sale.

Quick Action Points

  • Research and Connect: Reach out to Laura for insights on printing small runs and recommendations for local printers.

  • Draft Content: Start drafting the content for the "Dots" zine, incorporating both the technical aspects and visual elements that make the project interesting.

  • Prototype Layout: Experiment with different layouts and formats, deciding on a final structure for the zine (e.g., folded and stapled, softback).


"I am progressing steadily with my creative projects, and each small step brings me closer to my goals."

Other Thoughts

Given the ongoing stress about the studio sale, consider setting aside a brief time early each morning for a calming activity, such as a short walk or a few minutes of meditation. This could help manage stress levels and improve your overall well-being, making you more effective in tackling both creative and logistical tasks.

Feel free to tweak any of these suggestions or action points to better fit your current state of mind and priorities!

Normal Kitty 😺