This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What’s the first creative thought that strikes you this morning, and how might you channel that into your art or coding projects today?
  • How can integrating a brief meditation or relaxation technique into your routine today help you manage stress and enhance your focus?
  • What’s one small, enjoyable activity you can look forward to today that could help offset any stress you anticipate?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Quickly shoot a little bit of weeknotes
[ ] - Play some games on the Xbox
[ ] - Send messages to a couple of people

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Today was a bit of a mixed bag, to be honest. I started off on a stress-free note, opting to take the day off and just chill. The plan was to grab my laptop and other things I left at the studio yesterday, then head back home. I had a couple of minor tasks like recording a bit of video and sending out some messages, but nothing too intense.

Once I got home, I set up the Xbox on the dining room table, which was fun until my old enemy, the headache, made an appearance. I suspect it might be my glasses setup. It's fine when I'm at the studio, but playing on the Xbox from the dining room table seems to be triggering eye strain. So, I had to lie down for a bit and even took a nap to get rid of it. Annoying, but necessary.

Despite the headache, it was nice to just decide to take a day off. However, not visiting the estate agent left me feeling like I'm stuck in a Schrodinger's box with the studio sale. No new calls from them or emails from the solicitor, so I suspect status quo prevails—no progress. It’s baffling how things just seem to be in limbo despite everyone's eagerness.

On a lighter note, I did ponder on how to integrate a bit of meditation into my gym routine. Didn't actually start it today but brainstorming how it might work felt like a step forward. Might need some YouTube guidance on that one.

Enjoying the day off, despite its hiccups, made me realise I'll probably want more downtime when the studio saga concludes—assuming it ever does. Oh, and I think it's definitely time to book another visit to the optician. Eye strain is a vibe killer.

All in all, a day of small wins and minor annoyances but still better than overloading myself with work.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Take a Full Day to Unwind and Recharge: Given today’s indication of feeling unproductive and deciding to lean into a stress-free day, taking this day off completely seems a priority. This is particularly relevant considering the ongoing stress related to the studio sale and recent health issues.

Quick Action Points

  • Record and Schedule Essential Tasks Early: Complete the low-key video recording and send any necessary messages first thing in the morning. This ensures that essential tasks are out of the way and enables a relaxing day.

  • Plan for Relaxation Activities: Arrange a few non-stressful activities such as playing a game on the Xbox or watching a favorite show to help distract from work-related thoughts.

  • Integrate Relaxation Techniques: Experiment with meditation techniques during the day. Consider meditating in the shower or between any light activities.


You are deserving of rest and rejuvenation; taking time for yourself today will help you return stronger and more creative.

Other Thoughts

Taking today off aligns well with the recent indications of stress and the need for managing energy levels. This downtime might also offer a fresh perspective on the outstanding issues with the studio sale. Setting up everything for a restful day can lead to better productivity and creativity in the days to come. Logging activities and reflections on what worked well today can help in developing a sustainable routine for balancing productivity and personal well-being.

Normal Kitty 😺