This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one creative or professional task you're eager to tackle today that might add a spark to your ongoing projects?
  • Given your recent breakthrough with the studio sale, how might this shift in focus influence your art or coding work today?
  • How can you incorporate self-care into your schedule today to ensure you remain energized and focused?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Plotter: Draw blank journal pages
[ ] - Backfill journal with Blink books synopsis
[ ] - Set up book pages in Filofax
[ ] - Answer emails and DMs
[ ] - Use standing desk for work

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Today has been one of those productive yet reflective days. The morning started with me plotting journal pages and catching up on YouTube videos. It's always a good combination, getting some inspiration while also taking care of the groundwork for my journaling habit. The Filofax is a marvellous tool for this kind of work. The ability to insert pages where I need them removes the stress from running out of space. When I speak of planning, it’s more a feeling of creating rather than simply organising.

I took a long lunch at half-past eleven. It was refreshing to step away and come back with renewed energy. The afternoon was mostly about getting into the meat of the journaling task. Jotting down my thoughts about the books I've been listening to on the Blinkist app was, in a way, liberating. It's important to keep track of these summaries in my journal, especially for key points and the lessons that stick. I've noticed I retain so much more when I write things down. Plus, it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I see a neat stack of filled journal pages.

Around two o'clock, I shifted gears and started plotting some new Strata plots. These always take my mind to a more technical zone, concentrating on line work and structure. Later in the afternoon, I found myself diving back into the book log. It’s become evident that I’ve been slacking on reflecting on the books I’ve read or listened to. By half-past three, I was dedicated to catching up on all the write-ups I’d missed.

Talking to Kitty about the recent progress on the studio sale relieved some stress. The breakthrough with the buyer is immensely satisfying yet introduces a peculiar kind of unease. Not knowing if the deal will go through has been hanging over my head. The ideal scenario of getting the contract signed and transitioning smoothly is what I’m aiming for, but it feels a bit up in the air. It’s driving me to consider other projects that are not immediately tied to the necessity of generating income, more for fun or research. Projects like these renew my creative spirit and let me explore without the added weight of commercial success.

The standing desk idea has been excellent. Moving around a bit more feels less restricting and I think using the desk in standing mode allows for a more dynamic workflow. Though, there’s always a bit of technical consideration. For instance, needing music to play loudly through the speakers while my laptop is at the standing desk. Perhaps an iMac wouldn’t be a bad addition for this purpose.

By the end of the day, I felt even more settled. Having a nearly complete backlog of reflections in my journal provided a sturdy sense of forward momentum. It solidified the notion that new books will be approached with a fresh feeling of readiness.

Concluding the evening, I spent some time thinking about what I would take home. The Idea of not taking my laptop but perhaps a smaller notebook or even the ReMarkable tablet seems more alluring. This could help keep the momentum without the bulk. I've considered refining this process by having separate notebooks for different types of reflections, like a dedicated book reading notebook, and transitioning those insights into my main journal later on.

So, a productive Tuesday with insightful steps forward. With these systems falling into place, it sets a good stage for the rest of the week.

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Sure thing, let’s get this show on the road.

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on clearing your backlog by journaling and organizing your Blink book synopses. This will help you regain momentum and ease any lingering anxiety from having incomplete tasks.

Action Points

  • Consolidate and review your notes: Prioritize writing down key points from the Blink summaries you've already listened to. Use your journal efficiently to ensure you capture the essence without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Set the plotter to work: While journaling, get the plotter drawing out more blank journal pages. This simultaneous action will help you stay productive on multiple fronts.
  • Utilize the standing desk: Mix things up by using the standing desk to keep your energy levels high and your body moving. This will also help you stay more focused and minimize distractions.


I am capable of completing my tasks with ease and efficiency. Today, I reclaim my momentum and channel it into productive energy.

Other Thoughts

Given your newfound freedom following the breakthrough with the studio sale, use today to reset and organize. This will set a solid foundation for continuing both your creative and professional pursuits without the added stress. Oh, and don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Sassy Kitty 😼