This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • How can you use your insights from yesterday's experimentation with SVG textures to influence or enhance today's creative projects?
  • What's one thing you'd like to improve or focus on in today's video recording for the weeknotes, based on your experiences so far this week?
  • Considering your current engagements, how might you balance coding and artistic tasks today to ensure a productive yet fulfilling day?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Edit week notes video: Monday to Wednesday
[ ] - Export week notes video segments
[ ] - Visit estate agents at lunchtime for updates
[ ] - Continue sketching ideas: three-hour sessions
[ ] - Focus on design sketches and iterating work

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Today was a day of balance between art and administrative tasks. I started the morning faffing around with plugins on Final Cut Pro, trying to improve my editing workflow for the upcoming weeknotes video. At 10:59, I moved on to working on a new pen plot design, using the new clipping library to explore some fresh concepts. It's refreshing to fully immerse myself in the creative process, something I've missed for a while.

By 11:23, I was still deeply engrossed in my plotter design, tweaking it for better results. The sense of progress was palpable, even though I knew this design would remain unseen for a few months as it’s part of a work project. Lunchtime hit at 12:00, and yep, I was still at it, plotting away while grabbing a quick bite.

The afternoon was a continuation of the same trend. By 13:56, I was still fine-tuning the designs, feeling pretty pleased with the use of Sharpie pens and how they create these beautiful overlaps and interference patterns. This stage of enforced art creation has really rekindled my enthusiasm.

Around 16:14, I took a break from designing to document my work, photographing the various plots I'd produced over the past few days. It's always satisfying to see the physical outcomes of my efforts, making the whole process feel more tangible.

Reflecting on the day, the most rewarding moment was definitely seeing the Sharpie pens blend and create those interference patterns. It reinforces the idea that sometimes, digging in and focusing deeply on one task can yield the most creative results. I also realised the importance of getting the pen plots running sooner in the day to utilise them as I work on other tasks.

The balance today was decent, although sorting through footage for the weeknotes video got a bit sidetracked by thoughts on the paper camp talk. I’ll need to blast through that footage editing first thing tomorrow to stay on track.

I ventured out to the estate agents at lunchtime, grateful it didn’t rain. I’m also thankful for the Sharpie pens and for yesterday's me, who kindly set aside some fruit and nuts – a nice snack to keep the energy levels up.

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Main Suggestion for the Day

Today's main suggestion is to focus deeply on creative work and stay organized amidst different tasks. Use insights from recent experimentation to enhance your projects, and tackle the day with a structured approach.

Quick Action Bullet Points

  • Blend creative and coding tasks: Take advantage of the overlap in coding and artistic tasks to maximize productivity. Use focused sessions to work on design sketches.
  • Efficiently edit weeknotes: Aim to consolidate Monday to Wednesday's footage today. Export if needed to save time on final edits tomorrow.
  • Visit the estate agent: Make a trip at lunchtime to potentially speed up the process and stay on top of updates regarding the studio sale.


"I am deeply focused, leveraging my creativity and organizational skills to make today productive and fulfilling."

Other Thoughts

  • If possible, keep an eye on managing downtime effectively amidst productive bursts, especially with the video editing and creative exploration.
  • Use the momentum from yesterday's successes with SVG textures to fuel today's design processes.
  • Consider taking small, mindful breaks to maintain energy levels and avoid midday headaches.

Normal Kitty 😺