This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one new learning from yesterday's work with color palettes and line treatments in the "Preseed" project that you're excited to apply today?
  • As you plan to make a video about your "Preseed" project, how can you ensure this process enhances both your creative expression and audience engagement?
  • Considering your aim to balance creativity with practical outcomes, what strategy will you implement today to foster both artistic satisfaction and potential financial benefits from your upcoming projects?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Record audio version of newsletter
[ ] - Edit newsletter video
[ ] - Outline Quarternotes video
[ ] - Double check pressed video outline
[ ] - Stay hydrated during heatwave.

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Started Wednesday deep in newsletter video prep. First on the list was dropping the footage into Final Cut Pro. From there, the plan was to edit it, but naturally, I got a bit sidetracked by videos on zines. Not the best use of time, but intriguing nonetheless.

Once I refocused, the next few hours were all about editing the audio and video version of the newsletter. Managed to finish the audio edit by early afternoon, and the rest of the time was dedicated to piecing together the video. Exported the audio part, then dived into finalising the video version.

It's been a scorcher in the studio. Peaked at 28.5c, which isn't ideal for concentration or comfort. Tried to manage by taking it slow and staying hydrated. The heatwave really does throw a spanner in the works for productivity. Still, we managed.

One highlight today was realising how much I enjoy recording videos. It took around half an hour to shoot 20 minutes of content, which meant tossing about a third of the footage - fairly normal. I'm getting more accustomed to the process but still find it a bit slow.

After wrapping up the video, got to thinking about how a full day of writing and then shooting a newsletter video translates to a fifth of my workweek. That ratio feels off, given all the other tasks on my list. I need to re-evaluate that approach.

Half the day flew by in editing and video work, but managed to find small victories in ticking off a few to-do list items. Still, I need to figure out how to quicken the pace. Always room for improvement.

Heading home for a quiet evening. Plan on having a cool bath and taking it easy. Dinner will be simple and quick-sausages, I think. Everyone’s likely to be a bit cranky from the heat, so a low-key night in seems best.

Closing thoughts: steady progress and some good learning points today, but the heat remains a challenge. Will need to adjust the schedule around it if it persists. Cool bath and early night will do wonders.

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Sure, here's your structured suggestion for the day with three action points, an affirmation, and a few thoughts.

Main Suggestion for the Day

Focus on Content Creation and Preparation for the "Preseed" Video: Given the heat in the studio and your plan to get key tasks done in the morning, prioritize shooting the video for your newsletter and the "Preseed" project video in the cooler part of the day. Ensure the videos enhance both your creative expression and audience engagement.

Quick Action Points

  • Record Video for Newsletter: Start by recording the video for your newsletter with the lav mic setup as soon as possible. Use visual cues to assist with editing and consider exporting just the audio version afterwards.
  • Shoot the "Preseed" Project Video: Use the outlined script prompt cards and shot list to shoot the video sequentially. Capture both talking head segments and B-rolls of the pen plotter in action.
  • Social Media Engagement: While videos are rendering or being prepped, take the opportunity to post short clips or images from your past projects to stay active on social media and engage with your audience.


"Every step I take today is a stride towards achieving my creative and professional goals. I am capable, focused, and resilient."

Other Thoughts

With the rising temperatures in the studio, it’s important to work efficiently and stay hydrated. Use the cooler morning hours to tackle more intensive tasks like shooting videos, and reserve the afternoon for lighter tasks when the studio heats up. Also, considering the ongoing financial concerns, find a balance to avoid burnout, ensuring you remain productive without overstressing.

Normal Kitty 😺