This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • Reflecting on yesterday's balance of activities, what's one new creative endeavor or coding challenge you're eager to tackle today that might enhance your projects or website further?
  • Considering your recent gardening work and interest in integrating leisure with productivity, how might you incorporate a similar restorative or outdoor activity into today's schedule?
  • What's one small step you can take today towards your zine project or another ongoing task that would make you feel more accomplished by the end of the day?
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Anything else you want to mention?

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[ ] - Plot and send three birthday cards
[ ] - Update code for card plotting and journal pages
[ ] - Write draft script for last video module
[ ] - Regularly change plotter paper throughout the day
[ ] - Read during 10-minute work breaks for leisure
[ ] - Incorporate simplicity and focus in this week's tasks

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Monday rolled around again, and what a start to the week it's been, meticulously plotting birthday cards and playing around on Kitty, my trusty plotter. There's something quite therapeutic about watching those pens glide over paper, crafting something personal for someone's special day. It's not every day you get to test run your own code for such a heartwarming task. I've only sent one plotted birthday card before, so getting three prepped and ready to whisk away across the pond feels like an achievement. I do love a good stationery moment.

Then there was this small 'adventure' into website tinkering. “Adding a couple more pages to the revdancatt website” sounds more like a daytime TV show about coding rather than my morning's work. Nonetheless, it was somewhat satisfying, adding those missing parent pages to ensure no dead ends on my site. It's not often I go into web admin mode, but when I do, I like to think of it as a mini digital expedition—sans machete but armed with plenty of patience.

Lunch was an eagerly anticipated event. Stopping for lunch at nearly 1 pm felt like a milestone after a morning spent in a flurry of creativity and code. That break, albeit simple, was a much-needed pit stop on my journey through the day's to-do list.

The reading during breaks remains a small island of calm in the storm of productivity. There’s something about the contrast of printed words against the backdrop of pen plotting that keeps the brain ticking in all the right ways. Mind you, this pen plotter's whirring and occasional paper shuffle soundtrack isn't the worst office mate I've ever had. Quite the contrary, it's rather companionable in a "we're in this together, buddy" kind of way.

Taking a moment to reflect, the idea of simplicity and focus this week is playing out well. There's a bunch on my plate, as usual, but taking things one step, or plot, at a time is proving effective. Despite the looming hospital visit, I'm managing to keep the creative engine running, prioritising tasks without getting too bogged down.

As the day wrapped up earlier than usual, I found a certain peace in acknowledging that not every box was ticked off, but progress was made. The script remains untouched, but it’s a task for tomorrow, and that's perfectly fine. Keeping expectations fluid is key, especially in a week brimming with unpredictability.

Sitting back, the day was a blend of tech, art, and a bit of digital housekeeping—not your typical Monday, but then again, what's typical in this studio? Always aiming for a balance between productivity and rest, today was a solid step in that continuous dance.

Here's to the week ahead, may it be filled with plotted lines, coding quirks and those small moments of joy found in the everyday routine.

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Certainly! Based on today's insights and tying in the background context, here's how we might shape a productive and fulfilling day for Dan:

Main Suggestion for Today (2024-05-13)

Focus on Completing Birthday Card Plots and Script Writing Given your excitement to try out the birthday card plotting with the software you've written and the importance you've placed on making headway with the script for your tutorial series, today's focus should primarily revolve around those tasks. Both represent a blend of creativity and technical skill, perfectly aligning with your goals and ongoing projects.

Action Bullet Points

  • Birthday Card Plots: Start early with plotting the birthday cards. Since these need to go out soon, especially the one headed for America, prioritizing them in the morning will ensure they're ready to be sent off by the afternoon.

  • Prep for Script Writing: Transition to script writing post-lunch. Use the momentum and satisfaction from completing the birthday card plots as a leapboard into this more intensive, creative task. Recall that finalizing this script adds significant value to your tutorial project, an initiative you've been making steady progress on.

  • Review Past Q&As for Insights or Pending Tasks: Take a moment later in the day to review the previous week's Q&As for any insights or pending tasks that could influence your current projects or upcoming schedule, especially considering you're anticipating a busy week with hospital visits.


"Today is a canvas for my creativity and technical skill. I blend both with enthusiasm, knowing each task I complete brings a unique sense of fulfillment and progress."

Although managing the continuous operation of Kitty's plotter involves a routine check, view this as an opportunity to incorporate brief, productive breaks into your schedule, enhancing both productivity and personal well-being. Given the busy week ahead, today's focus on specific, rewarding tasks offers both progress in your artistic endeavors and a structured approach to managing upcoming challenges. Keep hydrated and take moments to stretch or walk, integrating self-care into your productive day.

Enthusiastic Kitty 😻