This is a collection of things that Kitty (the AI PA) created for the day. Starting with questions in the morning and then creating a todo list for me (Daniel) to follow. Suggestions for the day are also created (although I've put them at the end to make the layout better).

At the end of the day Kitty will ask some "END OF DAY QUESTIONS", which aren't included here, and then creates a journal entry, as if was written by me, which then gets written using Kitty's drawing machine into my paper journal.

The content below is generated by AI, not all days contain all the things.


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  • What's one way you can relax and rejuvenate today that still keeps you creatively inspired?
  • Is there a new cooking recipe or technique you'd like to try out today that could also be a fun, creative process?
  • Reflecting on recent projects, what is one artistic concept or theme you're curious to explore more deeply on this day off?
  • What are your plans for today?

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[ ] - Try new recipe for batch cooking
[ ] - Do some drawing on tablet
[ ] - Review and document Kindle books script
[ ] - Debug newsletter pulling script
[ ] - Explore zine plotting pages concept

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Ah, the quiet comfort of Saturdays. I took it easy today, nothing too demanding on the agenda, just life's basics: a bit of shopping and kitchen tidying. Almost felt like adulting for a bit there. I toyed with the idea of drawing on my tablet. That's a fun thing to do on a day when work's not calling.

I pondered over a batch cooking plan. I reckon if I tackled one dish today for the week ahead, it could save future me some hassle. It's like gifting myself time later. Might not sound exciting, but hey, more time means more plotting pages on my creative projects.

Speaking of creativity, I find myself circling back to the thematic zine plotting. I can't seem to shake the idea. Each time I think about it, another layer of complexity adds itself to the mix. I thought to start with the basics and let it take shape from there.

I got into some technical musings, specifically around scanning books without the faff. I mean, who wouldn't want a book scanner that does all the work? Not quite automation, but close. I’m also trying to sort out my coding documentation in Obsidian, but fate intervened with a power nap instead. Maybe I'll get around to it tomorrow.

Gratitude isn't in short supply today. There's the simple joy of comfy sofas, napping opportunities, and successful shopping ventures. I guess weekends are about making plans you don’t follow through, which is precisely the point. You map out some intentions and then embrace the spontaneity of not doing them, sort of a creative nonchalance.

To cap off my day, three small but mighty gratefuls: the sofa that cradled my nap, the surprise joys of shopping, and the fact that napping is an art I'm mastering.

Days like today remind me that it's okay to slow down and let the best laid plans take a backseat. Sometimes, it's all about enjoying the ride.

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Main Suggestion for Today

Take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere of the weekend to explore creativity without pressure. Incorporate drawing on your tablet and batch cooking into a leisurely day, using these activities to rejuvenate and maintain inspiration without overcommitting.

Quick Action Points

  • Do some creative drawing on the tablet: Allow yourself to explore any artistic concepts or themes without the expectation of completion.
  • Batch cook one of the week's recipes: Choose a dish that sounds enjoyable to prepare today, and one that will save you time during busier days ahead.
  • Document your Kindle-related work and review Obsidian notes: Organize and document your scripts and ideas to streamline future tasks. Affirmation: "I embrace a relaxed and creative day, finding joy in small accomplishments and the beauty of simplicity."

Additional Thoughts

Given that you have been bringing your kaleidoscope projects into focus during the weekdays, today is a perfect opportunity to recharge and approach these ongoing creative challenges with a fresh perspective. Exploring documentation could enhance your efficiency in the upcoming week, providing insight that may spark inspiration for your projects. Enjoy this time for reflection and ensure any bursts of productivity serve your greater creative goals without overshadowing relaxation.

Normal Kitty 😺